Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Material Settings have a unique name and an optional description.


Material Properties - Material

Material Type - choose from Standard/Legacy/Board/Edge types.

NOTE: If you wish to create a setting to represent the Outside/Print Face, Inside/Die Face or Delamination Area of a piece of board, you must select a Board type.

If you wish to create a setting to represent the Edges of a piece of board, you must select an Edge type.

If you wish to create a setting to represent anything other than a piece of board, you should select a Standard type.

The Legacy material type is automatically assigned to legacy materials following an upgrade to Impact 2010 or later.


  • Diffuse - specifies the colouration of the material under a pure white light.
  • Ambient - specifies the colouration when unlit (ie when in shadow).
  • Specular - specifies the colouration of reflected highlights.
  • Emissive - provides self-illuminating colouration.
  • Transparency - specifies the amount of transparency allocated to the material (if required).


  • Brightness - controls how bright the material will appear.
  • Sharpness - controls the sharpness of reflected images.
  • Metallic - adds a metallic sheen to the material.


The textures section on this page is only available for material types Board and Edge.

  • Type - for material type Edge you can specify Standard, Fluted or Honeycomb.
  • Direction - for material type Board you can specify the direction (Horizontal/Vertical) of any applied textures.
  • Resolution - allows you to specify the resolution of any applied textures.



Material Properties - Textures

Base - an image can be specified to provide colouration.

Gloss - an image can be specified to indicate glossy areas within the material surface.

Bump - an image can be specified to simulate height variations within the material surface.

Set the required controls to suit and click OK to create a Material Library setting.


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