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Stripper System - General


When adding a restriction to a radius using the normal tool, a Normal or Parallel Offset restriction can be added. If the radius is greater than the fillet threshold, and the sweep angle of the radius is less than the angle threshold, a Normal restriction will be added; otherwise a Parallel Offset restriction will be applied.

Fillet threshold

Enter the required threshold, as described above.

Angle threshold

Enter the required threshold as described above.

Side Rotate

Offset from side

Allows you to set the default value for the Side Offset in the Stripper Creator tool (Edit Restrictions), which is used if components are to be automatically rotated to the side.

Apply automatically

Allows you to set the default value for Side Rotate in the Stripper Creator tool (Edit Restrictions), which determines whether components are automatically rotated to the side.

Available Tools

The Stripper Creator presents the user with a large number of different restriction tools, each of which can be used to place restrictions of different types.

Some of these tools may not be appropriate or applicable to a particular system, so you can disable such tools here (for Inside, Outside or both), purely in the interests of simplicity.

The following pages are available:-

> Female
> Materials
> Male Waste
> Bridges

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