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3D Export Settings - COLLADA Node


  • Export to archive - if checked, all of the output will go into a zipped archive file.


  • Export Textures- if checked, exported textures will be saved in the same directory as the exported 3D object. If unchecked, textures will not be exported.
    • Maximum Resolution - from the drop-down select the required maximum resolution. (UnlimitedLargeMediumSmallExtra Small).

    • Export all transparencies to textures - if checked, this will export transparency textures for materials even if they don't actually have a non-uniform transparency. In these cases it will take the transparency value from within the material properties and create a 1 pixel transparency texture to represent this. For textures that do have a non-uniform transparent component, the transparency map will be exported as normal and the transparency value from Impact will also be encoded in the Collada file.

      • Invert alpha values - if checked, this inverts the way the alpha values are encoded on these transparency textures. This is required for Sketchfab, as it does things the opposite way to Impact.

    • So, with both these options unchecked, the behaviour is as it was in Impact 10. With the first checked only, the export should work properly with the Webcnx 3D viewer. With both options checked, the export should work properly with Sketchfab.

  • Exclude rule definition and embossing texture maps - Select this option if you don't want your export to include rule definition and embossing texture maps. For example, this will prevent the dark shadowing effect that can be seen around the rendered creases.

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