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Custom Table

Custom Database

This form allows you to view and modify (if your privileges allow) records in any of your custom database tables. The layout of the fields that are displayed, the text that appears with them and in which format the fields are shown is defined by the Database Windows settings. The example shown above has been set up to configure a Palette Database Table.

However certain operations are available to all tables:

  • Using the scroll bar along the bottom, you can view the first, previous, next and last record in the sequence and you can drag the slider to any arbitrary record
  • Using the Refresh button  at the bottom right corner you can re-read the records. (This is useful if they are being modified by other users.)
  • Close button - close this form
  • Find button - click the button to enter the search criteria in the Find Window or click the arrow to display a Quick Finder menu. (Note: to be searchable, a field must be indexed or the Use this field when performing a Find option must be enabled in the Database Windows settings. The Quick Finder field can be chosen from the Actions menu below.)

After a find operation, only records which match the criteria are displayed in the sequence. Use Cancel Find (see below) to return to the full set of records.

  • Add button - allows you to create a new record. Fill in the fields (some may be defined as mandatory) and press Ok
  • Copy button - copies the currently displayed records, ready to be edited and added
  • Change button - modify the current record
  • Delete button - delete the current record
  • Actions menu - choose from Cancel Find, Delete All, Sort Ascending, Sort Descending. Choose the field name to be used for the Quick Finder from the Sorting menu. The Quick Finder can be enabled/disabled with the button next to the Find button.

Note that some of the buttons and options may have been disabled, as configured in the Database Windows settings.

Related topics: Database Administration, Database Windows

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