Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Layout Creator

This form is opened after you have pressed Ok on the Layout Sheet Assistant form from the Layout Creator tool.

Layout Creator

This form displays the layout that has been created from the settings chosen on the Layout Sheet Assistant form. You can then make changes to the calculated layout using the edit bar commands at the top of the form and the various roll-down components down the left-hand side. Because the roll-down components are generally too large to be all displayed at once, you can use the roll-up and roll-down  buttons to hide or display the details.

All Design Components

This contains all of the design components, or one-up layers, that are available for this layout. You can right-click to bring up a context menu.

  • Preview - Configure the component preview drawing. Choose from Large, Medium, Small or None.
  • Show - Define what should be shown on this component. Choose from One up designs or Layouts.
  • Import - Import another design component from another project or from a master project (Impact Browser only displaying master projects).
  • Allow incompatible materials - This option can be switched on to allow components with different Board grades to be placed on the same layout.
  • Place - Enter a Number, and the specified number of the current (selected) component will be added to the layout.
  • Composite - Press this button to open the Add Design Components form where you can choose some more components to add to the layout.

Placed Design Component Groups

This contains a description of the groups of components that have been added to the current layout. So, in the above example, you can see that there are 4 instances of the layer insert called One up, and the extents of the layer insert is 351.925mm x 315.400mm. This grouping allows you to apply different modifiers (such as gutters or layout patterns) to each group of design components. This is more evident in the Composite Layout Creator tool. You can right-click to bring up a context menu.

  • Preview - Configure the component group preview drawing. Choose from Large, Medium, Small or None.
  • Copy - Make another copy of the current (selected) component group.
  • Delete - Remove the current component group.
  • Split - Press this button to split the component group into its constituent parts.

Machine/Sheet Settings

This contains a list of all the settings that were chosen from the Layout Sheet Assistant form. Highlight the one that you want to display, and enable or disable them as required using the check-box. When you accept the form a new layout will be created in a layer with the same name as the settings for each one that you have enabled.


This is where you define how many of each component should be added to the layout. If you have more than one entry in the Placed Design Component Groups then this will refer to the current (highlighted) one.

  • Grid - Enter the required number of columns and rows. You will not be allowed to enter values that will take the layout outside of the sheet extents.
  • Fill sheet - This option will automatically add as many insertions as possible to the chosen sheet. It is not available if there is more than one entry in the Placed Design Component Groups.
  • Estimate - From the pulldown menu choose the required option (Number up, Run length or Sheet run) and then enter the other value as required. Impact will calculate an estimated value for the appropriate entry.

Layout Patterns

This is where you configure the pattern or placement of the layer inserts on the sheet. Again, if you have more than one entry in the Placed Design Component Groups then this will refer to the current (highlighted) one.

Layout pattern

From the dropdown list choose the required Master Tool Setting. You can use the edit button to override the settings. If a local edit has been made to any of the settings then the Reapply Layout Pattern button  becomes available. Press this to apply the new settings to the layout.

Free rotation

Enter an angle through which to rotate the selected layer inserts.

Row and column shift


From the pulldown list choose either With flute/grain direction or Against flute/grain direction.


Either enter a value, or more likely, press the Manual Shift button and identify two snapped points to define the required shift, to give the preferred nesting. This is particularly useful when the automatic nesting hasn't provided the best possible solution. Alternatively, press the Automatic Shift button and allow Impact to work out the best shift value. In both cases the calculated Adjustment will be updated.


Press this button to remove any value from the Adjustment field and put the layout back as it was.


Press this button to automatically apply a shift of half the extents of the layer insert. The value will be placed in the Adjustment field.

Align Creases

Impact will calculate the shift required to align the first crease lines in each layer insert. The value will be placed in the Adjustment field.

Design Component Gutter

You can use these options to apply a gutter between the designs if required. This only applies to the selected Design Components in the Placed Design Components Groups, which allows you to assign different values to each group.


Switching this option on allows you to specify gutters in either or both directions.

Against flute/grain direction

  • Distance - Enter the required value.
  • Space evenly - If you choose this option Impact will calculate the required value and automatically enter it into the Distance field.

With flute/grain direction

  • Distance - Enter the required value.
  • Space evenly - If you choose this option Impact will calculate the required value and automatically enter it into the Distance field.

Full perimeter gutter

Switch this option on to ensure that the gutter value is applied around the full perimeter of each one-up.

Continuous Perpendicular

Switch this option to calculate gutters which are offsets of a continuous distance around each of the one-ups, rather than just spacings in the horizontal and vertical directions. Enter the required value into the Distance field.

Design Component Group Gutter

You can use these values to configure gutters between the Design Component Groups. After entering the required values choose the Layout - Check for overlaps option from the edit bar.

Master Settings

Here you can select and, if required, override the various Master Tool Settings.


From the pulldown list choose the required Layout Palette Settings.


From the pulldown list choose the required Layout Component Labelling Settings.


From the pulldown list choose the required Layout Report Settings.

Nester Parameters

Here you can configure the nesting parameters for use with the Nesting Tool.

Angular Resolution

These are the increments of rotation by which one-ups will be rotated to achieve the best fit. From the dropdown list choose No rotations, 45 degrees, 90 degrees or 180 degrees.

Nesting Direction

This option determines the direction in which the sheet is filled. Choose either Horizontal or Vertical.


Enter the tolerance between the nested parts.

Recursive nesting

Switch this option on to allow a one-up to be nested within another.

Preferential hole filling

Switch this option on if you want the tool to check to nest blocks within cut-outs in other blocks before nesting outside.

Allow mirroring

Switch this option on to allow one-ups to be mirrored.

Join common edges

Switch this option on if you want to check to see if nested blocks can be common cut.

Sequence by area

Switch this option on if you want to nest blocks in order of largest to the smallest.

Use exact nesting

This option allows blocks to be common cut.

Edit bar commands

These commands are all available either from the edit bar:

or from the various tool-bars. The display of the tool-bars can be customised as normal using the customise button .


  • Check for overlaps - Check for overlapping design component groups and shift them as necessary to remove the overlap.
  • Create in current layer - This option is only available if it doesn't allow the user to create a layout of a layer in the same layer. Switching it on overrides the default method of creating a new layer with the same name as the Machine/Sheeting settings.
  • Save and Generate Layouts - Save any layouts you've created and exit the tool. If a Value Mapping has been defined in Options - Database Installation - Layout Creator (After) then this will be performed for each layout that is generated.
  • Cancel and Exit - Exit the tool without saving any layouts.


  • Undo - Undo the last operation performed.
  • Redo - Put back the last operation that had been Undone.
  • Select and Move - Identify a design component group and drag it to a new location. Use the Shift key to append the group to the current selection set or Ctrl to toggle the selection.
  • Select All - Select all design component groups. Selected component groups can have operations such as Align and Interlock applied to them.
  • Select None - Deselect all design component groups.
  • Select Line - Define a line by identifying two points. Any design component groups that are crossed by this line will be selected.
  • Rotate - If there is a single selected design component group you can use this option to apply a rotation to it. Choose from Initial Rotate, Rotate 90deg or Rotate 180deg. Initial rotate allows you to specify the rotate angle by dragging the cursor.
  • Align - Align the selected design component groups. Choose from Top, Bottom, Left and Right.
  • Interlock - Interlock the selected design component groups. Choose from Up, Down, Left and Right.
  • Shift - Shift the selected design component groups by a specified amount. Choose from Align Creases, Align Selected Edges and None.


  • Copy - Make a copy of the selected design component group. This is the same as the Copy option on the Placed Design Component Groups component.
  • Add New - Add a new design component group. This is the same as the Composite option on the All Design Components component.
  • Delete - Delete all selected design component groups. This is the same as the Delete option on the Placed Design Component Groups component.
  • Split - Split the selected design component group into its constituent parts. This is the same as the Split option on the Placed Design Component Groups component.
  • Toggle Placement Visibility - If you switch this mode on you can toggle the visibility of a single one-up simply by clicking somewhere within its extents. Cancel the mode from the right-click context menu.
  • Force Extra Row - This option is only available when Fill Sheet is active on the Quantity component. You can use it to force an extra row of one-ups into the selected design component group. The extra row will not be added if it would take the group outside the sheet extents.
  • Force Extra Column - This option is only available when Fill Sheet is active on the Quantity component. You can use it to force an extra column of one-ups into the selected design component group. The extra column will not be added if it would take the group outside the sheet extents.
  • Automatic Spacing - This option is only available when there is exactly one selected design component group. Switch it on to enable automatic spacing within that group.
  • Use Minimum Trim - This option is only available if the Allow trim optimisation setting is enabled in the current Machine / Sheet settings. Switch it on to use these settings.
  • Centre Horizontally - Centre the layout horizontally on the current sheet. This means that the sidelay and offlay will be equal.
  • Centre Vertically - Centre the layout vertically on the current sheet. This means that the grip edge and backlay will be equal.
  • Nester - Start the Layout Nester tool. This tool uses the Nester Parameters to produce the best possible layout.
  • Show - Choose from either One-up designs or Layouts to define what should be displayed. This is the same as the Show option on the All Design Components component.
  • Allow Incompatible Materials - Switch this on or off; it is the same as the Allow Incompatible Materials options on the All Design Components component.
  • Properties - Open the Layout Placement Editor where you can configure the placement options, such as Quantity, Rotation and Shift


  • Repaint All
  • Pan and Zoom
  • Pan Box
  • Zoom Box
  • Zoom in immediately - Zoom immediately into the centre of the current view
  • Zoom out immediately - Zoom immediately out of the centre of the current view
  • Zoom to Actual
  • Extents
  • Sheet Extents
  • Visibility - This gives a second menu where you can specify the Target Utilisation(as a percentage) or switch on and off the following features:
    • Utilisation Panel
    • Scrap
    • Sheet Panel
    • Internal Palettes
    • Sheet Markers
    • Grid
    • Design Component Names
  • Graphics Quality - Choose from High, Medium, Low or Lowest. You can also Hide the graphics
  • Pin - Choose either Geometry or Sheet. This is especially useful if you are fine-tuning a layout manually (applying manual shifts or alignments) or creating composite layouts. The To Sheet option will force the Layout Creator to zoom to the layout sheet extents after each update, whereas the To Geometry option forces the Layout Creator to remain focussed, or pinned, on the current geometry
  • Outside Row / Column - Switch this option on or off, depending on whether or not you want to see the potential One-ups that fall outside of the sheet extents





  • Find - Opens a new menu - after you've made your choice the appropriate sheet will be selected and made current in the Machine/Sheet Settingscomponent
    • Most Efficient - From the settings you have selected this automatically picks the one with the least amount of waste and it deselects the other settings
    • Quickest to Make Ready - From the settings you have selected this automatically picks the one with the smallest area and it deselects the other settings
    • Smallest Possible (only available for Estimator) - Opens the Smallest Sheet form and then generates a Custom sheet matching the chosen parameters
  • Fit - Opens a new menu - after you've made your choice a new Custom sheet is generated, based on the current one, and added to the Machine/Sheet Settingscomponent
    • Fit Width - the Custom sheet will have its width set to exactly fit the current layout
    • Fit Height - the Custom sheet will have its height set to exactly fit the current layout
    • Fit All - the Custom sheet will have both its height and width set to exactly match the current layout
  • Select - Choose which sheets within the Machine/Sheet Settings component, will be selected for output using All, None or Toggle
  • Sheet Assistant... - Open the Layout Sheet Assistant form
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