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Symbol Pattern Attributes

When adding or changing a symbol pattern in the Master Tool Settings, the Symbol Pattern Attributes form appears.


Specify the name of the symbol pattern.


Add a description of the symbol pattern.


Duplicate In Layers

The symbol pattern can also be placed in layers other than the current by specifying the layer names in the text box.

Enabling the option Create these layers if they do not exist will create new layers of the specified name(s).

Allow Outside Wood

This determines if symbols that fall outside the wood extents as defined in the master tool settings for dieboard, rotary dieboard, stripper machine or blanker will be placed. When the pattern is placed manually with Lay Symbol Pattern, the cut extents of the current layer are used for the boundary. 

Interactive placement position

The position of the cursor relative to pattern extents when the pattern is placed with the Lay Symbol Pattern tool. The cursor can be offset in the X and Y from the selected point on the pattern extents.



To add a symbol to the pattern, the attributes of the highlighted symbol will be copied. This opens the Pattern Symbol Attributes form.


Allows you to change  the attributes to an existing symbol or change the symbol, this opens the Pattern Symbol Attributes form.


This will delete the highlighted symbol.

Delete All

Deletes all the symbols in the pattern.


This option copies the highlighted symbol with X and Y offsets, this will open the Replicate Insertions form. Also see Auto Grid on the Pattern Symbol Attributes form.

Swap Symbol

This allows you change all the symbols in the pattern to a new symbol, this will open the Swap Symbol form.


This will open the Preview Symbol Pattern form allowing you to view the symbol pattern relative to a design and wood extents.

Related topics: Symbol Pattern

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