Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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This section refers to settings that apply to all data formats except Impact’s own native file format. It is followed by a list of supported formats that can be switched on or off depending on whether or not this particular settings configuration should be available for that file format. Some of these other formats have settings that are specific to that format. These are detailed below.

Non-native Import


Template for new project

The edit button can be used to choose a project template from the database that will be used when importing a drawing.


Create new block

This option causes a top-level block to be created in which the imported geometry will be placed.

Create ‘One-up’ layers

This option causes the Blocks to Layers tool to be run after importing the drawing. This allows you to convert any imported blocks at the top-level of the drawing into Layer blocks.

Select imported entities

This option causes all layer level entities in the imported drawing to be selected.

Imported design is

From the pulldown list select the required entry.

  • Print-face
  • Die-face

When a drawing is imported, this setting is compared against the visible face of the drawing it is being imported into (either a new drawing or the current drawing) and the imported geometry is mirrored if necessary.

If mirror is required

Select the required radio button.

  • Mirror about x-axis
  • Mirror about y-axis

If the imported geometry does need mirroring this option specifies which way to mirror it.


Ansi/OEM conversion of text strings

Select this option to convert imported text strings from the OEM-defined character set into either an ANSI or a wide-character string.

Text font

From the pulldown list of available fonts select the required one. All imported text entities will be assigned this font.

Text orientation

From the pulldown list select as required.

  • Die-face
  • Print-face
  • Always readable

This defines how the text will appear depending on which face of the drawing is visible.


Apply scale factor

From the pulldown list select the required one.

  • None
  • Inches -> mm (25.4)
  • mm -> Inches (1/25.4)
  • Specified

Scale factor

If Specified was chosen above, then this option is enabled and you can enter a non-negative value. The scale factor will be applied to all imported geometry.

Palette Mapping

Skip unmatched palettes

If the attributes of an entity in the imported drawing do not match any entry in the Palette Mapping then checking this option will cause that entity to be skipped (i.e. it won’t be imported). If the option is switched off then the following option will be enabled and this will control what happens to such entities.

Create unrecognised palettes

If the attributes of an entity do not match any entry in the Palette Mapping then checking this option will cause a new palette to be created and assigned to the entity. The new palette will be given a name that describes the attributes that couldn’t be matched. An example palette name might be Unrecognised_LineType0_AuxLineType0_CutWidth0.71. This descriptive name could help you to set up a new palette mapping entry so that an existing palette could be assigned to those attributes. If the option is switched off then such entities will be assigned the default palette, “0”.

Rebridge using palette bridge style

This option is only relevant for imported drawing formats that do not support bridges. If the option is checked then imported entities will be assigned the appropriate palette and then rebridged in the same manner that a newly created entity would be. Otherwise the entities are left without bridges.

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