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Pattern Symbol Attributes

The Pattern Symbol Attributes form is called from the Symbol Pattern Attributes form and is used to Add or Modify entries.

Pattern Symbol Attributes - General

The placement of the symbol is defined here.


Specify the symbol information here.


Click the edit button to open the Symbol select form.


By adding a group name to the symbol, the symbols can be listed by group in the Symbol pattern attributes form.


Allows you to define the placement of the symbol relative to the layer.

Position by

Pulldown list in which the symbol can be placed relative to the Design (cut type extents), the Wood extents or Split. The point on the design or wood extents is defined by selecting one of the nine points on the grid.

Any symbol set to use the Split option will be placed relative to a single special location point rather than one of the grid points. For the rotary tool, this will be used to place symbols relative to the middle of the rotary split line. The grid positioning control will be disabled when this option is selected.

Offset X

Enter the distance the insertion point of the symbol will be offset from the grid point in X.

Offset Y

Enter the distance the insertion point of the symbol will be offset from the grid point in Y.

 Angle button

Use this button to toggle between entering the Y-offset as a distance or an angle. Entering it as an angle is aimed for use with rotary dieboards.

Insertion Point

Allows you to choose the insertion point of the symbol.

  • Defined - the origin point of the symbol will be placed relative to the grid point.
  • Fixed - allows you to choose the insertion point of the symbol by choosing a point on the symbol extents and picking the relative point on the grid displayed.


Pattern Symbol Attributes - Transformations


The symbol can be scaled, rotated, mirrored (flip in X, flip in Y) by selecting the appropriate options from the spin boxes and check boxes.

Place Symbol


From the drop-down list choose the required option:  As symbol, As block, As geometry, As block with symbol(s).

Extract Inserted Symbols

If the symbol selected has been created with a symbol inserted into it and it's inserted as a block then checking this option results in placing the inserted symbols as individual symbols.

Check Boundary For Interference

By checking this option when the symbol is being placed, the symbols that collide with any visible entity will not be placed.


An Allowance can be added to the extents of the symbol increasing the collision area.


Specify a symbol to be positioned where an interference is encountered. If this is set to a symbol, rather than being left as <None>, instead of Impact removing any symbol that collides (when checking for collisions), it will replace it with this collision marking symbol.


Pattern Symbol Attributes - Auto Grid

This enables a single symbol to be stored in the pattern and when the pattern is placed a grid pattern will be laid down. The grid pattern is created relative to the insertion point of the highlighted symbol.

Place symbol multiple times

Switching this option on allows you create a grid pattern

Number in X

Enter the number of symbols in the X direction including the original.

X Offset

Enter the distance between the symbols in the X direction.

Number in Y

Enter the number of symbols in the Y direction including the original.

Y Offset

Enter the distance between the symbols in the Y direction.

 Angle button

Use this button to toggle between entering the Y-offset as a distance or an angle. Entering it as an angle is aimed for use with rotary dieboards.

Position relative to:

  • whole grid
  • top right symbol

If you choose whole grid, the cursor anchor point for the symbol pattern being manually placed is relative to the complete grid pattern. Otherwise the cursor offset position is relative to the upper right-most symbol of the symbol pattern.

Related topic: Symbol Pattern

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