Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Project Database

Project Database

Integrates the customer, project information and layer properties into the same form.

  • Customer - from the pull-down list choose the customer to save the project to. To create or modify the customer information see Customer Database. Each project must be assigned to a customer before it can be saved
  • Information- the Information pull-down list allows you to access the Project information and the layer database for all existing layers
    • Project Information - fill in any relevant information such as project reference, description and project notes
    • Customer Information - displays the customer data for the chosen customer
    • Layer database - each layer is listed in the information pull-down list. The database for each layer chosen will then be displayed. This allows you to fill in such information as the panel sizes, blank size and board grade

The layout of this form depends upon your Database Window settings.

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