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Text and Dimensions

This section of the Visibility form allows you to select the visibility settings for text and dimension entities.

Visibility - Text and Dimensions


Use this option to display or hide text entities.

Show database field and variable names

This option causes the entity to display how the text is calculated, rather than the result of the calculation. For instance, the name of the database field would be displayed rather than the contents of that field.

Show missing and uncalculated values

This option is only applicable when the previous option is switched off. If the text result cannot be calculated then a warning message is shown instead.

Show sub-block text entities

If this option is switched on then all text in sub-blocks will be shown. If it is switched off then you can choose from the following sub-options:

Show in one layer insert

If this option is chosen, then only text within the first insertion of any block is shown. This will simplify the drawing when a complex block is inserted multiple times.

Do not show in any layer inserts

If this option is chosen, then text will not be shown in any sub-blocks.

Greek text smaller than

If this option is switched on then any text smaller than the specified number of pixels will be displayed as an outline rather than in detail (for better performance).


Use this option to display or hide dimension entities.

Show dimension variable names

When variables are associated with dimensions, the variable name (or expression) is displayed together with the dimension value. See Utilities - Parametrics - Associate Variables.

Show sub-block dimension entities

If this option is switched on then all dimensions in sub-blocks will be shown. If it is switched off then you can choose from the following sub-options:

Show in one layer insert

If this option is chosen, then only dimensions entities within the first insertion of any block are shown. This will simplify the drawing when a complex block is inserted multiple times.

Do not show in any layer inserts

If this option is chosen, then dimension entities will not be shown in any sub-blocks.

Show non-parametric dimensions

Switch this option on to display non-parametric dimensions.

Show parametric dimensions

Switch this option on to display parametric dimensions.

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