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Reassign Users Wizard

This wizard enables you to reassign items assigned to one or more users to another user. It is opened from the Database Administration - Tools - Wizards menu.

Once the original users have no assigned items, you can delete them from the database.

Ensure the users have no working projects before attempting to delete them.

You should back up your database before performing this operation because it cannot be reverted.

Reassign Users Wizard - Select Users

Use the check-boxes to select the users from which you wish you reassign projects, template and symbols.

Reassign Users Wizard - Foreign Keys

This page contains a list of the foreign keys, by selected user, currently in use.

Reassign Users Wizard - Reassign To

From the pull-down list of users choose the one to which you wish to reassign these items.

Delete each user once all items have been reassigned

Check this box if you wish to delete the selected users once the process has finished. If any of these users have any working projects assigned to them, you should release them first.

When the wizard has completed, a summary of the work carried out will be written to the Server Logs.

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