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Settings Upgrade Wizard

Each time Impact starts it looks for the existence of an Upgrade settings file. If it finds one then this wizard is automatically started. Alternatively, you can launch the wizard from the Database Administration form - Tools - Wizards - Settings Upgrade Wizard if the file exists.

Settings Upgrade Wizard - Start

The Start page gives information regarding the number of symbols and templates that need to be installed from the Upgrade settings file.

It also gives a warning about any renegade items, which may have been locally modified since they were last installed, together with a recommendation to back up your database.

On the Symbols and Templates pages you can right-click on an item to bring up a context menu with the following options:

  • Compare versions - opens a new form to display the two items (old and new) side by side
  • Expand all - opens all of the nodes on the current page
  • Collapse all - closes all of the nodes on the current page
  • Select all - switches on the check-box of all items on the current page
  • Select none - switches off the check-box of all items on the current page
  • Select all in this folder - switches on the check-box of all items in the same folder as the current one
  • Select none in this folder - switches off the check-box of all items in the same folder as the current one
  • Show legend - you can use this option to either display or hide the help panel on the right-hand side of the page


This panel is slightly different for the two pages. It describes the meaning of each of the icons that could be displayed against each item or node.


The item to be imported is newer than the existing one.

Not new

The item to be imported is not newer than the existing one.


For a symbol this means there is a design component with the same name as this symbol, so it cannot be imported. For a template it means there is a project with the same name, so it cannot be imported.

No selection

A folder marked with this icon has no selected items within it.

Partial selection

A folder marked with this icon has some, but not all, items within it selected.

Full selection

A folder marked with this icon has all included items selected.

Settings Upgrade Wizard - Symbols


This page lists all the symbols found in the upgrade file.


All symbols will be imported by default, but you can switch some off if required.

New version

This column gives the creation/modification date and time of the symbol in the upgrade file.

Existing version

This column gives the creation/modification date and time of the symbol in the local database.

Local status

This column will say Missing for symbols that don't exist in the local database or Renegade.

A Renegade symbol is one that has been modified in the local database since it was last installed, or possibly a local symbol of different origin with the same name as the one available for installation. Please check these symbols, and only include those you are sure you want to replace.


This column will give more information about the item, such as if it is required within a Master Tool Setting, or if it is a clashing item.

Settings Upgrade Wizard - Templates


This page lists all the templates found in the upgrade file.


All templates will be imported by default, but you can switch some off if required.

New version

This column gives the creation/modification date and time of the template in the upgrade file.

Existing version

This column gives the creation/modification date and time of the template in the local database.

Local status

This column will say Missing for templates that don't exist in the local database or Renegade.

A Renegade template is one that has been modified in the local database since it was last installed, or possibly a local template of different origin with the same name as the one available for installation. Please check these templates, and only include those you are sure you want to replace.

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