This form is called when you choose History from the right-click context menu on an MTS folder or item. It displays the check-in history of the all the items in the folder or of the current item.
MTS History Viewer
This tool opens the MTS History Options form, where you can configure the layout of this form.
This tool opens the MTS History Item Properties form where the properties for the current MTS class are displayed.
Use this tool to display the stored MTS version of the selected history item in the appropriate MTS form.
Use this tool to print print the stored MTS version of the selected history item in text format.
Use this tool to create an email containing the stored MTS version of the selected history item in text and binary formats.
Compare with
For settings that have more than one history item you can use this tool to compare the selected history item with the Current, Previous or Next history item. The results are displayed in the MTS Difference Viewer form.
Make current
Use this tool to replace the current version with the stored MTS version of the selected history item.
Use this tool to delete all of the selected history items.
Use this tool to export the stored MTS version of the selected history item in binary format.
Export list
Use this tool to export the list of history items to a file in a number of different formats (Text, Excel, XML etc.). You can either export the selected items only or all items in the list.
Use this tool to redisplay the list, in case it has been changed by another user.
If you right-click an item in the list a context menu containing the following items will be displayed:
- Properties - Displays the History item properties form
- View - Displays a read-only form containing the settings for this item
- Print - Prints these settings
- Email - Emails these settings to a chosen recipient
- Compare with - Compares the selected settings with the Current, Next or Previous settings
- Make current - Makes the selected settings current
- Delete - Removes the selected settings from the history list
- Export - Exports the selected settings to a file
- Export list - Exports all the selected settings to a file using the Export list form
- Select - Selects All, None or Toggle the list items
- Refresh - Refreshes the list in case it has been changed by another user
Depending on which options have been enabled in the MTS History Options you can:
- Sort by any of the fields (by clicking on the appropriate column heading)
- Resize or move the columns by clicking/dragging the column headers
- Group together records with the same data in a field (an example of this is shown on the MTS History Options page)
- Use Advanced Filtering in the same way as is described under the Impact Browser - List view