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3D Graphics Settings

These settings are used to configure the output of 3D scenes to printers, to Report Drawing Areas and to the Windows Clipboard (for Copy/Paste into an Impact drawing). 

Each setting must have a unique name and may have an optional description.


3D Graphics Settings General Tab

Image - if checked, this option will generate raster output (pixels).

  • Super Sampling - performs extra anti-aliasing passes in order to generate a higher-quality 3D snapshot.  The scene is rendered at a higher resolution than the actual required resolution, and then down-sampled - theoretically providing a smoother transition between pixels and hence reducing the presence of jagged & pixelated edges.  Super-sampling is primarily noticeable when rendering scenes containing reflective materials such as metallic foils & varnishes. Enabling Super Sampling (and increasing the level of Super-Sampling) will increase the rendering time and may also increase the finished file size.
    • Low - renders the scene at twice the required resolution, before down-sampling.
    • Medium - renders the scene at four times the required resolution before down-sampling.
    • High - renders the scene at eight times the required resolution, before down-sampling.
  • Transparent Background - if checked, this option will replace the 3d scene background (single colour, colour gradient, graphic image or TruView environment) with transparency.
  • Display - Choose from Normal, Wireframe, Solid and Wireframe or Hidden Line Removal. This value is used when you do a Copy to clipboard operation in a 3D view and also when outputting to a Border Plot / Report.
  • Resolution - specifies the resolution (in terms of pixels) for the output.

Vector - if checked, this option will generate vector output (lines & arcs).

  • Show Material Thickness -adds the thickness of the material to the vector image. This may be applied to both hidden line removal and wireframe views.
  • Show Selected Instances Only - if enabled, only the selected 3D objects (folding models, mesh objects) will be used to generate the output.
  • Show Actual Scale (Orthographic views only) - if enabled, a 1:1 scale capture will be output.
  • Hidden Line Removal- if enabled, a skeletal 3D scene will be captured, using lines & curves to represent objects (folding models & mesh objects). Note that this mode omits the back faces of folding models and mesh objects (ie lines & curves hidden by other panels).
    • Show Removed Lines- if enabled, a skeletal 3D scene will be captured, using lines & curves to represent objects (folding models & mesh objects). This mode will not omit the back faces of folding models and mesh objects, and may be regarded as a traditional wireframe view.
      • Cut - if required, you may specify an alternative palette for removed Cut-type entities.
      • Crease - if required, you may specify an alternative palette for removed Crease-type entities.

3D Data

3D Graphics Settings 3D Data Tab

Include Interactive 3D - this option is only used when a PDF report, requiring an interactive 3D viewport, is required. If checked, the resultant output will contain an interactive 3D viewport. If not this option is not checked, the resultant report will simply contain a flat 2D image of the 3D scene.

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