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This is a sub-page from the Blanker Wizard form.

Blanker - Frame

To layer

The frame geometry can be transferred to another layer by checking this option. If this option is not checked the geometry will be added to the current layer.

Layer name

From the pulldown list choose the layer or enter the layer name required.


This option determines if the frame geometry created will be added to a sub-block.

Block name

Enter the required block name for the frame geometry.

Frame MTS

This table lists all the Blanker Frame master tool settings. Choose the frame required for this blanker setting by clicking onto the name in the list.

Frame symbol patterns

This table lists all Symbol patterns that will be added to the frame using the frame symbol patterns tool.


This button will open the Pattern Attributes form to choose a new pattern.


This button will open the Pattern Attributes form to change the settings of the highlighted pattern.


This button will remove the highlighted pattern from the list.

Use these arrows to alter the order of the entries in the list.

Extra symbols

This allows you to add a list of symbols from the symbol database that can be manually added to the frame by the shift symbol tool.


This option allows you to specify how the symbols are aligned. From the pulldown list choose the required setting for each symbol:-

  • Frame - symbols are placed on the inside of the frame
  • Grip - symbols are placed on the inside of the grip edge of the frame only
  • Bars - symbols are placed along the centre of any bar - which side of the bar the symbol is placed depends on which side of the bar's centre the cursor is held
  • Cut - symbols are placed on the inside of the perimeter of any one up
  • <None> - symbols are positioned without any special alignment


Use this button to choose a new symbol using the Symbol Select form.


Use this button to change the highlighted symbol using the Symbol Select form.


Use this button to remove the highlighted symbol from the list.

Use these arrows to alter the order of the entries in the list.

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