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Male Upper

This is a sub-page from the Blanker Wizard form. It defines the parameters for the upper pusher parts of the male blanker that will push the carton blanks through the female grid.

Blanker - Male Upper

To layer

The uppers can be transferred to another layer by checking this option. If this option is not checked the geometry will be added to the current layer.

Layer name

From the pulldown list choose the layer or enter the layer name required.


This option determines if the uppers will be added to a sub-block.

Block name

Enter the required block name for the male upper geometry.


From the pulldown list choose the palette for the uppers.

Carton offset

Enter the initial offset from each carton blank extents to the blanker upper extents.

Grip offset

Enter the initial offset from the first knife on the grip edge of any cartons on the grip edge to their respective uppers.

Inner offset

Enter the offset distance from the external upper profile to the internal upper profile.

Inner offset palette

From the pulldown list choose the required palette for inner offset geometry.


Choose the method of adding bridges to the uppers. The bridge style will correspond to the palette attributes of the defined palette.

  • Bridge to palette - will bridge the entities to the bridge mode specified in the defined palette
  • Bridge manually – allows you to add tie bridges of the specified width to the uppers manually

Minimum number of bridges

Specify the minimum number to be added. A warning will be displayed if there are insufficient.

Air Holes

Copy Inner profiles to Male Base

This option will automatically copy the internal profile geometry of each upper block to the male base.

Block Name

The air hole geometry will be created in a sub-block of the specified name.


From the palette pulldown choose the palette for the air hole geometry created.

Pin Symbols

This allows you to define the double symbols that can then be added to the upper part and male base unit to locate the parts for assembly.


Press this button to add a new double symbol entry using the Double Symbol form.


Press this button to configure the highlighted entry using the Double Symbol form.


Press this button to remove the highlighted entry from the list.

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