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This page is used to define which scripts or plugins should be executed whilst using the Custom Table form.

Database Window - Automation

Database Task

This area of the form contains a list of macros, scripts or plugins that should be executed at certain pre-defined points.


Highlight one of the Database Tasks and press this button to define what should be executed using the Macro Select form.


This task will be performed immediately after pressing the OK button when inserting a new record into the database.


This task will be performed after the record has been inserted.


This task will be performed after pressing the Change button on the Custom Table form.


This task will be performed immediately after pressing the OK button when changing an existing database record.


This task will be performed after the record has been modified.


This task will be performed immediately after pressing the Delete button on the Custom Table form.


This taks will be performed after the record has been deleted from the database.


This task will be performed after pressing the Cancel button when inserting a new record into the database. 


This task will be performed after pressing the Cancel button when changing an existing database record.


This task will be performed after pressing the Add button on the Custom Table form.

This area of the form contains a list of scripts, plugins and buttons that will be added to the Actions menu and the commands panel on the Custom Table form.


Press this button to define a new script etc. to be added to the list using the Automation Menu Item form.


Press this button to modify the highlighted entry.


Press this button to remove the highlighted entry from the list.

Use these arrows to alter the order of the entries in the list.

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