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Programme Format

Machine Attributes - Advanced Driver Settings - Programme Format

Programme Format

Main Programme Header Format

This is the code to be sent for a main program header. This will typically contain information such as the program number, the file name and file permissions such as RWED (Read, Write, Edit, Delete).

Main Programme Message

This is an optional message that will be output between the header and the start of the main program.

Subroutines Required

This option will enable the Subroutine Format page allowing subroutines to be generated in the output code.

Programme Numbering

NC machines require the output to be stored in one or more programmes. For the machine to be able to distinguish between each programme, a unique programme number must be assigned. A default programme number is given in the plot form on the Subroutines page with the option to override this number. Automatic programme numbering will increment this number for every plot.

Use Automatic Programme Numbering

This will enable the use of automatic programme numbering for the machine.

Minimum Programme Number

This option will prevent existing programmes stored on the controller from being overwritten by the new programme. For instance, if the controller contains pre-stored programmes numbered from 1 to 15, and the Minimum Programme Number is set to 20, once the Maximum Programme Number is reached, the next number to be output will be 20.

Maximum Programme Number

The programme numbers will be automatically incremented by the value specified in the Programme Number Increment field until the Maximum Programme Number is reached. The next programme number output will be the Minimum Programme Number.

Programme Number Increment

The first programme number is specified on the General page of the Post Processor. The first time a programme is output to a machine, this number will be output as the programme number. Every subsequent plotter output sent to the machine will be incremented by the value shown in this option.

See section on Programme Numbering below for a comprehensive description of how programme numbering works.

Axis Names


This is the axis label, or name, used to output horizontal coordinates.


This is the axis label used to output vertical coordinates.


This is the axis label used to output horizontal arc coordinates.


This is the axis label used to output vertical arc coordinates.

I's and J's Always Relative

The I and J coordinates define the centre of an arc. If this option is selected the I and J coordinate will be output in relative format from the start coordinate of the arc regardless of the current Coordinate mode.

I's and J's Always Positive

Some controllers do not recognise negative IJ coordinates. This option will convert any negative coordinates to positive coordinates. This option is usually left clear.

See also: Plotter Substitution Codes

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