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Post Processors - Symbols

These options allow you to place symbols automatically at specified locations:

Place drill holes

Select this option if drill holes are required at line ends.


Use the Change button to choose the symbol for your drill holes.

In your symbol, you should have a single circle. It is very important that the palette you use for this circle should be used for no other purposes. The palette should be mapped in the palette sequence to a machine tool configured for your drill. You must ensure that the circle diameter is less than or equal to the tool width configured in the tool settings page of the plotter machine. The plot operation recognises these special circumstances and outputs a simple tool-down and tool-up sequence of CNC code with no tool movement. When the plot Intermediate drawing is created, only the circle (not the symbol) is added to it for the calculated drill hole positions.


This is the minimum valid distance between two drill holes. The Test Drill Holes tool generates warnings if drill holes are located closer (measured between centres).

Centre of arc

For arcs whose radius is less than this value, a single drill hole is placed at the arc centre (this arc would not need to be sawn).

Along arc

For arcs whose radius is greater than the value above but less than this value, drill holes are placed along the arc, at a separating distance determined by the maximum deviation (below).

Maximum deviation

Drill holes are placed so that the line segment between two successive hole centres does not deviate from the arc more than this distance. If this value is zero then holes are not placed along arcs. Any arc whose radius is greater than the value specified in Along Arc only has drill holes added in the same way as for lines - at the start and after each bridge.

Maximum angle

If the angle between two connecting lines is greater than this value, two drill hole symbols will be placed, one at the beginning of each line. For smaller angles it is assumed that the saw blade will not need to be raised and lowered when going from the first line to the second.

Avoid drill holes at corners

This will avoid placing drill holes at corners wherever possible.

Corner tolerance

The tolerance for avoiding drill holes at corners. Two points that are closer together than this tolerance are considered to be joining at a corner.

Place bridge symbols

The selected symbol will be inserted at each end of a bridge.


Use the change button to select the symbol to be used.

Minimum bridge width

Any bridges smaller than the specified size will not have bridge symbols added to them.

Apply only to specified palettes

You can choose a Cut Palettes MTS from the dropdown list to specify which palettes and/or palette types should have bridge symbols added to them.

Location hole symbols


The symbol should contain only a single circle. At plot time, the radius of the location hole should be entered on the Other page of the plot form.

Stripping symbol clashes


Use the change button to specify which symbol is to be used to indicate clashes between stripping symbols in the MarbaSet Pick & Place tool and the Boxplan PinSetter tool.

Output locations for ‘Lasercomb ProDigi Sheet Registration System’


Use the change button to specify which symbol represents the reference points.


Minimum arc radius

Arcs with a radius smaller than this value are suppressed from the Intermediate drawing. (For example, to avoid sawing arcs which have been drilled; this radius is usually equal to the Centre Of Arc value.) Note: this option can be useful for other types of post processors, not just those making use of drill holes, if small arcs need to be suppressed.

Apply only to sawn entities

This will apply the minimum arc radius settings only to sawn entities.

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