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Profile Geometry

These settings are used by the automatic profile and create profile tools to define the external profile and any internal collinear cut/crease profiles. The number of creases in the panel and the angle between the two creases determines if normal or corner will be automatically created.

Normal Make Ready

This is the profile created between non parallel entities where the panel being profiled has three or more creases, between two parallel crease entities or a single crease entity.

Profile Geometry - Normal Geometry

Add - to create a new setting, this will copy the highlighted setting to the end of the list, adding _1 to the highlighted setting name.

Delete - will delete the highlighted setting.

Name - the name that will be displayed in the matrix creator.

Step Length - perpendicular distance for the line at the Step Angle from the crease entity ends.

Profile Angle - angle relative to the crease entity for the profile.

Height - this is the height from the crease entity when applied to a single crease entity or the height relative to the parallel join between two creases.

Blend Radius - blend radius applied to the ends of the profile.

Rounded Top - if enabled the Top Height blend will be added to the Height with a smooth radius, otherwise a straight offset will be applied to the Height.

Corner Make Ready

This is the profile between two non parallel creases in a panel being profiled that has only two creases.

Profile Geometry - Corner Geometry

Add - to create a new setting, this will copy the highlighted setting to the end of the list, adding _1 to the highlighted setting name.

Delete - will delete the highlighted setting.

Name - the name that will be displayed in the matrix creator.

Step Length - perpendicular distance for the line at the Step Angle from the crease entity ends.

Profile Angle - angle relative to the crease entity for the profile.

Height - this is the height from the crease entity.

Blend Radius - blend radius applied to the ends of the profile.

Corner Radius - blend radius added at the join of the two crease profiles.

Cut/Crease Zig-Zag

This is the profile added to any cut/crease entities on the outside of the panels of the carton if the mode Zig-Zag style is selected.

Profile Geometry - Cut/Crease Zig-Zag Geometry

Add - to create a new setting, this will copy the highlighted setting to the end of the list, adding _1 to the highlighted setting name.

Delete - will delete the highlighted setting.

Name - the name that will be displayed in the matrix creator.

Step Length - perpendicular distance for the line at the Step Angle from the crease entity ends.

Profile Angle - angle relative to the crease entity for the profile.

Height - this is the height from the crease entity when applied to a single crease entity or the height relative to the parallel join between two creases.

Blend Radius - blend radius applied to the ends of the profile.

Rounded Top - if enabled the Top Height blend will be added to the Height with a smooth radius, otherwise a straight offset will be applied to the Height.

Cut/Crease Internal

This is the profile added to any collinear cut/crease entities.

Profile Geometry - Cut/Crease Internal Geometry

Add - to create a new setting, this will copy the highlighted setting to the end of the list, adding _1 to the highlighted setting name.

Delete - will delete the highlighted setting.

Name - the name that will be displayed in the matrix creator.

Step Length - perpendicular distance for the line at the Step Angle from the crease entity ends.

Profile Angle - angle relative to the crease entity for the profile.

Height - this is the height from the crease entity when applied to a single crease entity or the height relative to the parallel join between two creases.

Blend Radius - blend radius applied to the ends of the profile.

Rounded Top - if enabled the Top Height blend will be added to the Height with a smooth radius, otherwise a straight offset will be applied to the Height.

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