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Machine Groups


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter the description for this setting.

Rule Preparation - Machine Groups

Machines and Group

All of the configured rule preparation machines will be displayed in the left hand column. The machines that are required in this group should be selected and moved across to the right hand column.

Output all data to one file only

If this option is selected then all the data for the different machines in the group will be sent to a single file (named below). This filename will override any filename that may be set up in the individual machine settings.


Enter the filename for the geometry. The following substitution codes can be used within the filename:-

 %<ProjectName> The current project name
 %<LayerName> The current layer name
 %<CustomerCode> The customer code assigned to this project
 %<CustomerName> The customer name
 %<ProjectCode> The project code from the database
 %<RevisionNumber> The revision number from the database
 %<Date> The current date
 %<Time> The current time
 The database entry from the given table and column
 %<MachineName> This machine name


Enter the required path for the output file, or select a path using the edit button.

Group output by block

If this option is selected then each block of output data will be sent to every machine in the group, then the next block of output data will be processed and this continues until all the data is output. The alternative is for all output data to be sent to the first machine in the group, then all of the data for the next machine and this continues until all the machines in the group have been dealt with.

It is not possible to use this option if any of the machines in the group are either Datatech or Linbend type machines.

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