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Split Rotary Dieboards


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter the description for this setting.

Split Rotary Die-Boards - General

Border Line

Check this option and choose the required palette from the drop-down list if border entities are required. The border entities will be added to each split section, following the path of the split entities.

Centre Line

Check this option and choose the required palette from the drop-down list if centre lines are required. This option is only available if Split Line is not checked. Centre lines will be added in place of the construction lines that are used to split the dieboard.

Split Line

Check this option and choose the required palette from the drop-down list if paths of entities in the chosen palette are to be used to split the dieboard rather than construction lines.

Offset - Border Line

Enter the offset that should be applied to the border line entities, typically if a laser beam allowance is required.

Gaps - X & Y

Enter the required X and Y gap that is required between each adjacent split section.


These options are only available if Split Line is not checked. In this case a step will be added to the border line.


Enter the size of the step.

Joining Length

Enter the length of the line leading into the step.

Output to blocks

Check this option and enter the required base block name. A separate block will be created for each split area. Each one will be made unique by having a sequential number appended to the name.

Split selected entities

If this option is checked then only selected entities will be considered for splitting. All other entities will be ignored.

Only split on selected construction lines

This option will only be available if Split Line is not checked. If the option is checked then only selected construction lines will be used to split the dieboard. All other construction lines will be ignored.


Split Rotary Die-Boards - Bridging


Select this option and choose the required bridge style from the pull-down list if entities that are split should be rebridged.

Palette Types

Select the palette types of all entities that should be rebridged.

All entities that are not rebridged will have their bridge positions maintained.

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