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Material Group

This form is called from the Stripper System - General - Materials page.

Stripper System - Material Group


Specify a name for the material group, which will be displayed on the edit bar in the Stripper Creator.


Check the material types that you wish to be a member of this group.

If Impact detects that the material assigned to the layer has this type it will trigger a match and this material group will be the default selection on the edit bar in the Stripper Creator.



If this option is checked, then you can specify a minimum caliper or thickness of material that you wish to be a member of this group.

If Impact detects that the material assigned to the layer has a caliper larger than this value it will trigger a match and this material group will be the default selection on the edit bar in the Stripper Creator.


If this option is checked, then you can specify a maximum caliper or thickness of material that you wish to be a member of this group.

If Impact detects that the material assigned to the layer has a caliper larger than this value it will trigger a match and this material group will be the default selection on the edit bar in the Stripper Creator.

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