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Stripping Knives

The Stripping Knife tool requires a stripping knives master tool setting; this setting defines the default parameters for the tool.

Name - unique name for the setting.

Description - short description for the setting.


Group into a block - determines if the stripping knife entities are created in a block of the specified name.

Special output block - if the stripping knives are placed in a block, then if this option is checked the stripping knives will be optimised with any one-up designs when output using the Plot tool.

Knives into sub-blocks - this option will place each stripping knife in a sub-block of the specified name.

Special output block- if the stripping knives are placed in a sub-block, then if this option is checked the stripping knives will be optimised with any one-up designs when output.

Palette - enable this option to specify the palette the stripping knives are to be created in.

Auto find palette - this will create the stripping knives in the same palette of the longest cut type entity in the current layer. If this option is checked, then Palette is greyed out.

If neither Palette nor Auto find palette are checked, then the stripping knives will be created in the current palette.

Slot Knives

This page defines the default options for the perimeter slot tool.

Extension - this is the length of L or U shaped stripping knives projecting from the first picked entity.

End Length - this is the length of the L shaped stripping knife intersecting with the second picked entity. For the U shaped stripping knife this value is the default width of the U shape slot.

Radius - a radius can be added to the corners of the L or U shaped stripping knife.

Angle - the angle relative to the horizontal or vertical planes that the extension length will be created at; if a value of 0 is specified the extension lengths are created on the horizontal or vertical planes.

Perpendicular Close - if this is enabled the last enclosing length of the L or U shape strip knife is created at a perpendicular angle to the second picked entity.

Other Knives - Style

  • Single - this will create the stripping knives as a single vertical or horizontal entity.
  • 'T' Style - this will create an additional knife perpendicular to the main knife, using the specified End Palette at the specified End Length
  • Dog leg - this will create an additional knife at the end of the main knife.

End Length - length of the L extension.

Radius - radius applied to the intersection of the main knife and L extension.

Angle - angle between the main knife and the L extension.

Horizontal mode - determines if the L extension on horizontal main knives projects in a positive or negative y direction.

Vertical Mode - determines if the L extension on vertical main knives projects in a positive or negative x direction.

Other knives - Extension

Mode - defines how the lengths of the perimeter knives are calculated.

  • From design extents - this mode will extend any external stripping knives out from the cut type extents or selected entities of the current layer by the specified values.
  • From wood extents - this mode will extend any external stripping knives to the wood extents or layer extents offset in by the specified values.
  • From sheet extents - this mode will extend any external stripping knives out from the sheet extents of the current layer by the specified values. The sheet extents are defined in the Layer Properties.
  • From fitted sheet extents - this mode will extend any external stripping knives out from the fitted sheet extents of the current layer by the specified values. The fitted sheet extents are defined in the Layer Properties - Edge/Board page.

Palettes for wood extents - opens the Palettes form. If palettes have been specified here, then these are used to specify which palettes are to be referred to for the wood extents calculation. If no palettes are specified than all visible palettes in the current layer are used to calculate the extents from.

Snap to - if this option is checked the length of the stripping knives will be in increments of the specified value.

Other Knives - Options

Angled knife offset - this option will create a perpendicular entity to any picked entity that is not horizontal or vertical at the specified length.

Angle tolerance - angle relative to the horizontal or vertical where the picked entity the stripping knife is to intersect with is considered to be horizontal or vertical.

Minimum knife length - perimeter stripping knives which are calculated to be less than this value will be extended to this value unless placed relative to the wood extents where they are trimmed to.

Minimum knife to wood distance - any perimeter stripping knives will be at least this distance from the wood extents, if the wood palettes have been defined on the extensions page.

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