Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Database Window Wizard

This Wizard is used to create a new Database Window for viewing records from a table. It is called from Database - Administration - Tools - Wizards - Database Window Wizard.

Create Database Window

Choose the required option from the above form to start the Wizard.  

Create a new database window from an existing database table

This option gives a list of existing database tables. Select the required one and press Create. This will open the Database Window.

Import an existing database window description from a 'dbw' text file

This option displays a Windows - File Open form. Locate the required file and press Open. This will give a list of Database Window Descriptions as defined in the chosen file. Select the required one and press Import. This will open the Database Window.

Create a blank database window

This option takes you straight to the Database Window.

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