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Database Installation - Automation - Miscellaneous

Recent Automation Tools

Number of modules to keep loaded in memory

When this limit is reached, macros will be automatically unloaded.

Maximum number of recent tools

This is the number of items shown on the Automation menu.

A Macro Distribution Set is a group of macro files (normally .MAC and .RUN files) plus a text file (.IPS) which defines how the macros should appear on the menu. Setting up macros this way makes it quicker to install them and easier to ensure they are kept up to date.

Incremental Update

This is used to add or update a distribution set using the Macro Tools Incremental Update form.

Batch Compile

Use this to recompile either a single macro (.RUN file) or a complete macro distribution set. For a successful macro compilation, you need to have your Macro Compiler Path set correctly. See File Locations.

Macro Tools Incremental UpdatesNext

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