These database wide options specify the default VBScript to be loaded before VBScript automation items such as text entities, automated tasks and buttons are executed.
If you want to use text entity VBScript specific to a project or Report Template use Project Options - VBScript instead. Do not add unnecessary script code here as it will slow down all VBScript automation execution.
It is also possible to include other script files directly into your scripts using the following syntax; include directives must be placed at the start of your scripts.
${INCFILE FileName} or ${INCFILE "FileName with spaces"}
Database Installation - Automation - VBScript
VBScript files
The specified VBScript files will be automatically loaded and executed before text entities, automated tasks and buttons are executed. The files will be loaded in the order displayed. Files are relative to the Macro repository path.
Use the edit button to add new files and the
buttons to alter the order.
VBScript Include Files
A list of named VBScript Include Files can optionally be included in scripts within other parts of Impact. For example in scripts for text entities, automated tasks and buttons.
Press the Add or Change buttons to configure these Scripts using the VBScript Include form.
To include the script from one of these include files in your script use the following syntax; includes must be placed at the start of your scripts.
${INC MyInclude} or ${INC "My include with spaces in the name"}
Those named Include Files marked as Always will always be included automatically before other script (in alphabetical order). The include scripts will be executed after the script files above are loaded and before any included script files specified using the $INC or $INCFILE directives.