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Report Attributes

Report Attributes - General


Press the edit button  to locate the report document (normally *.rpt).


Menu Prompt

Enter the text to appear on the menu (normally the title or a short description of the report).

Sub Menu

This is the name of the Reports sub-menu. (If left blank, the item will appear directly on the Reports menu).



Enter the text to display on the status bar (normally a description of the report).



From the drop-down list choose where the report is to be sent:

  • Current Windows Printer
  • Print Preview
  • Email
  • Export To File
  • Select Windows Printer 

Individual Project Report

This option indicates if the report is designed to show information about a single project or about all projects in the database which match certain criteria within the report.


Report Attributes - Users

Define which users can run this report by selecting one of:

  • All users
  • Administrators
  • Selected - choose the users from the list

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