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Database Windows

Database Operation - Database Windows

Database Windows

Use integrated Database Window

If this option is switched on then each Database Window for a project is integrated into a single Database Information window. This window is accessed from either Database - Project or within the Impact Explorer.


From the drop-down list select one of the following:-

  • Do not synchronise layers and database windows
  • Display current layer database info by default
  • Full Synchronisation of layers and database windows

These options affect what happens when you open the Database Window. Full synchronisation means that as you choose a different layer from the Information drop-down list on the form the current layer changes to match the chosen one.

Enable Database page in Impact Explorer

If this option is switched on an additional page is displayed in the Impact Explorer.

Values cannot be modified in the Explorer

If this option is switched on the data is shown read-only.

Database Windows Overrides

This table allows you to specify the settings to be used for viewing particular database tables. See Database Windows for more information.

Pressing Add or Change displays the Database Window form, where you can choose the required database table.

Press Delete to remove the current database from the list.

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