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Environment - Cursors

Cursor Colour

Choose from the following options:

  • Use the defined cursor colour – using a colour picker in Database Installation - Colours any colour can be assigned to the Impact cursor
  • Use the negative of the background colour – gives the best contrast between background and cursor by giving the actual negatives of each other

Text In Cursors

This section defines how text should appear when it is part of an Impact cursor.


The drop-down list will contain all True Type and Line fonts installed on the workstation. Choose the required one for the cursor text.

Font size

Use the slider bar to specify the size of the cursor text.

Show details

When this option is switched on, Impact can display the snap mode and current coordinates at the cursor position as part of the cursor itself.


You can use this field to define how the snap mode and coordinates will be displayed, using the text substitutions <%TYPE> and <%COORD>.

Tool-specific format

Some tools will display tool-specific information, such as radius or offset. Use the text substitution <%TOOL> for this.


This section defines how crosshair cursors should appear.

Crosshair size

Use the slider bar to specify the size of the cursor crosshair.

Centre offset

Use the slider bar to specify the size of the gap in the centre of the crosshair cursor.

Radius size

Use the slider bar to specify the size of the cursor circle.

Use snap radius

Switch this option on to use the Offset Snap Radius instead of Radius size above (see Snap Settings)

Drag Handles

The use of Drag Handles is described here.


Use the slider bar to specify the size of the drag handles.

Solid Fill

Switch this option on if you want to use solid filled drag handles.

Snap Cursors

Colour coded snapping cursors can be configured in Options > Environment > Colours to reflect the snap mode being achieved by the cursor selection. So, for instance, a different colour could be configured for End, Middle etc snap points. This feature can be disabled by switching the option off.


Use the slider bar to specify the size of the square markers.

Solid Fill

Switch this option on if you want to use solid filled markers.

Geometry Analysis

The Geometry Analysis toolbox uses square markers to identify any geometric problems with the current drawing. Here you can configure the size of the markers.


Use the slider bar to specify the size of the square markers.

Solid Fill

Switch this option on if you want to use solid filled markers.


Use basic cursors during remote sessions

Switch this option on to improve the performance when drawing cursors over a remote session.

Show crosshair when selecting entities

Switch this option on to use a crosshair cursor when selecting entities rather than an arrow cursor.

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