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Array Wizard Form

This tool allows you to create an array of 3D objects within a 3D scene. The array will consist of "children" of a selected "parent" object. The wizard prompts you to specify the Layout, Quantity, Gutter and Options for the array. Gutter spacing allows you to specify a distance between the bounding boxes of an object within the array, whilst Centre spacing allows you to specify the distance between the centre-points of objects within the array.

3D Array Wizard - Layout

Choose the required layout for the chosen 3D object - GridCircle/BarrelTower.


3D Array Wizard - Grid

Quantity - specify the number of objects required in each axis.

Spacing - specify the Spacing mode (Centre Spacing or Gutter Spacing) and the spacing distance in each axis.


3D Array Wizard - Circle/Barrel

Quantity - specify the number of objects required at the top & bottom of the array.

Height - specify the number of rows required in the array.

Spacing - specify the Spacing mode (Centre Spacing or Gutter Spacing) and the horizontal & vertical spacing distance.


3D Array Wizard - Tower

Quantity - specify the number of objects required at the top & bottom of the array.

Height - specify the number of rows required in the array.

Spacing - specify the Spacing mode (Centre Spacing or Gutter Spacing) and the horizontal & vertical spacing distance.


3D Array Wizard - Options

  • Create inserts of selected object - inserts are identical copies of the original, selected objects. 

    When creating inserts of a folding model, folding a face of one insert will also fold the same face on all inserts.

    Similarly, modifying the thickness of one insert will modify the thickness of all objects within the array.

  • Create clones of selected object - creating clones of an object allows the objects in the array to be modified independently. 

    Folding a face of a clone will not affect any other object within the array. 

    Similarly, modifying the thickness of a close will not affect any other object within the array.

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