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Design Options - Text Styles

Use this form to display and modify the text styles in the current project.

Design Options - Text Styles

Lists all text styles available to the current project. Text styles can be used for palette text, text tools and the dimension settings.

Add a copy of

This button opens the Text Settings form and allows you to create a text style which has no link with the text style you have copied it from. If any changes are made to the original text style, they are not made to the newly created text style.

Add based on

This button opens the Text Settings form and allows you create a new style based upon an existing style. Any settings which are not changed in the new style will remained linked to the original. If any of these are then changed in the original, they will also be changed in the new style. Any values changed in the new style are no longer linked to the original style.


This button is only available for text styles that have not been created in the Master Template. It allows you to change the properties of the highlighted text style using the Text Settings form.


This button is only available for text styles that have not been created in the Master Template. It will delete the highlighted text style.


The colour of the text in this box shows you which text styles are from the Master Template and which are Custom ones.

NOTE: If you have opened this form from the Master Template, then you can change and delete any of the text styles.

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