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Import MTS

Select the Master Tool Settings

Unless the Import/Export MTS is chosen automatically (see the Smart Match section on the CFF2 page of the Import Settings) this will allow you to select the MTS from the following form:-

Import file (MTS)

If there is already an open project and you are importing an Impact file then there will be another pulldown list above the MTS list with the following options:-

  • Settings for this customer
  • Settings for any customer

Selecting ‘Settings for this customer’ means that only those MTS that are assigned to the customer that is associated with the current project will be displayed.

File format

Impact will automatically detect the format of the chosen file and display it here.

The displayed list of Master Tool Settings will be restricted to only those that have been selected as being valid for this particular import format. See the Non-native page of the Import Settings.

Master Tool Setting list

From the displayed list select the required MTS. The selected MTS description is displayed below the list.

A temporary override to the settings can be made by double-clicking the setting name and editing any of the settings. Next time the tool is run these settings will return to those stored in the database.

Overrides to some of the settings can be made on this form as follows:-


Create new project

This option is only available if there is already an open project. Otherwise the option is selected but you cannot change it.


These options are only available for non-native file formats.

Create new block

This is an override for the MTS Create new block option.

Create ‘One-up’ layers

This is an override for the MTS Create ‘One-up’ layers option.

Select imported entities

This is an override for the MTS Select imported entities option.

Imported design is

From the pulldown list choose either Print-face or Die-face. This is an override for the MTS Imported design is option.

If mirror is required

Select the required radio button:-

  • Mirror about x-axis
  • Mirror about y-axis

This is an override for the MTS If mirror is required option.

Palette Mapping

These options are only available for non-native file formats.

Skip unmatched palettes

This is an override for the MTS Skip unmatched palettes option.

Create unrecognised palettes

This is an override for the MTS Create unrecognised palettes option.


Click this button to cancel the Import procedure.


Click this button to continue with the Import procedure.

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