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Palette Attributes - Bridging

Palette Attributes - Bridging

Bridging Style

The styles are listed in the Design Options, where new styles can be added and existing ones modified.

Line Entities

From the drop-down list of available bridge styles choose the one to apply to line entities.

Arc/Bezier Entities

From the drop-down list of available bridge styles choose the one to apply to arc and Bezier entities.


From the drop-down list choose the option to determine which entities are rebridged to palette when they are modified.

  • No entities
  • Lengthened Entities.
  • Shortened Entities.
  • All changed entities.

Holding Bridges

Use this option to decide whether or not holding bridges are to be used for all entities that are assigned this palette. If checked, 'V' style bridges will be applied using the settings specified. If not checked, the bridges will be the standard line and gap style. The width of the bridge is defined by the Bridging Style.


From the drop-down list choose which side of the entity to apply the holding bridge, either Left, Right or Both.


Enter the depth of the holding bridge.


Enter the angle of the bridge relative to the entity.


This will give a visual representation of the holding bridge.

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