This form is displayed from the Parametrics Editor or the Parametrics Designer option on the Variables page of the Impact Explorer.
Parametric Model Editor
Define origin position
Identify the point to use as the new origin position for the parametric model. You will be prompted to Pick point for new block origin and a rubber band cursor will be drawn from the current origin position.
Auto origin position
Switch this option on to use the anchor point of the first parametric dimension you place in the editor to automatically define the model's origin position. Otherwise you will need to define it manually.
Single step model
Use this tool to step through the parametric model one dimension at a time. The edit bar will contain a Next button and a Finish button
Update Model
Use this tool after altering one or more variable values to apply the new values to the parametric model.
Reset Model
Use this tool to reset any changes that may have been applied through the Update Model option.
Infer Dimension
This tool should only be used with an incomplete model. It will automatically add the next required dimension.
Finish Model
This tool will automatically add all of the required dimensions. You should then end up with a fully dimensioned model.
Infinite Gridlines
This is an on/off switch that defines how gridlines should be considered when calculating intersection points.
Save and Exit
When you have finished creating the parametric model you should choose this option to save your work and exit from the parametric editor.
Cancel and Exit
Select this option to exit the parametric editor without saving your work.
This option undoes the most recent operation within the parametric editor.
After using the Undo tool, you can use this to redo the most recent operation.
Edit Dimension
Select this option to start the Dimension Edit tool. This allows you to identify an existing dimension and then alter the text size and the dimension settings or select a dimension point to move. Once you've selected a dimension the context menu will contain a new option Pick Dimension, which allows you to select a different dimension to edit.
Delete Dimension
Identify the dimension you wish to remove from the model.
Change Status
You can use this tool to switch the status of a dimension between parametric and non-parametric. After starting the tool a check-box labelled Parametric Dimension appears on the edit bar. Switch the check-box on or off as required and then identify the dimension whose status you want to change.
Associate Variables
Use this tool to associate a variable to a dimension. After starting the tool a pulldown list appears on the edit bar containing all the standard variables that are defined in the current parametric model. Choose the required variable from the list and then identify the dimension with which to associate this variable.
Conditional Entities
Use this tool to associate variables to entities to create conditional geometry. After starting the tool a pulldown list appears on the edit bar containing all the standard variables that are defined in the current parametric model. Choose the required variable from the list and then identify the entity with which to associate this variable.
2 Points
This option starts the Enquire Distance 2 Points tool. Identify the required points; the result is displayed on the edit bar.
Mirror Design
Use this tool to copy parts of the design. Typically, this is used on a symmetrical design where you have only created a half, or even a quarter, of the design and dimensioned it. You can then copy the geometry and the dimensions in either the horizontal or vertical direction, or both. After starting the tool you will be asked to Click the side on which you wish to mirror the design. If you want to copy and mirror about the x-axis you should click either above or below the design. If you want to copy and mirror about the y-axis you should click either to the left or right of the design.
Gridline split points
Add split
This tool allows you to split a grid line so that its extent is limited. This might be to prevent it extending to a line or arc where it is not needed.
Remove split
This tool allows you to remove the split point that was previously added with the Add split tool.
This menu provides all of the usual Dimension tools.
As well as the usual Pan and Zoom tools this menu provides a number of visibility switches.
Use this option to toggle the visibility of the Variables panel on the left-hand side of the screen.
Status Information
Use this option to toggle the visibility of the Status panel at the top of the screen.
Grid network
Use this option to toggle the visibility of the grid lines.
Grid inference lines
Use this option to toggle the visibility of the inferred grid lines. This option is unavailable if the grid network is not visible.
Key Points
Use this option to toggle the visibility of the key points, that is where grid entities meet either tangentially or perpendicular to each other.
Gridline split points
When you have split a grid line using the Add split tool, a marker can be displayed at the split point. Use this option to toggle the visibility of these markers.
Inferred Dimensions
Use this option to toggle the visibility of any inferred dimensions that have been added using the Infer Dimension or Finish Model tools.
Unsupported Entities
Any unsupported entities can be highlighted as such. You can either use this option to toggle the display of them or use the Highlight button on the Status Panel.
Unsupported Dimensions
Any unsupported dimensions can be highlighted as such. You can either use this option to toggle the display of them or use the Highlight button on the Status Panel.
Dimensions without variables
Use this button to toggle the highlighting of dimensions that have not been assigned to a standard variable.
Non-parametric Dimensions
Use this button to toggle the display of non-parametric dimensions.
Parametric Dimensions
Use this button to toggle the display of parametric dimensions.
This menu contains all the normal Snap modes.
This menu contains all the normal Lock modes.
Context Menu
The right-click context menu has the following options within this form:-
- Cancel current tool - this is only displayed if a tool is currently running
- Edit Dimension
- Delete Dimension
- Associate Variables
- Conditional Entities
- View
- Snap
See also: Legend, Status panel, Variables panel, Environment Options - Colours - This is where you can configure the colours of Grids, Dimensions, Key Points, Highlights etc.