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Pattern Attributes

This form is called from the Dieboard Settings form, the Rotary Dieboard Setup form, the Blanker Settings form and the Stripper Machine Settings form. It is used to define the attributes when placing a Symbol pattern.

Pattern Attributes - General

From the drop-down list of Symbol Pattern Master Tool Settings choose the required one.

Use collision checking

If switched on, any symbols that encroach on any visible entity in the current layer will not be placed. Note: only the symbols that have the option to Check boundary for interference set in the Pattern symbol attributes will collision check.

Protect symbols from deletion

If switched on, the symbol will not be listed in the Delete symbol pull-down list when the pattern has been placed with the appropriate diemaking tool.

Delete pattern when tool finishes

Users will sometimes add a symbol pattern to temporarily indicate a specific area whilst adding other symbol patterns. This option allows you to delete all of the symbols from this symbol pattern when the tool finishes.

If this symbol pattern has been chosen as one to be used for adding Rotary Mount Holes within the Rotary Dieboard Setup Wizard - Symbol Patterns, then this option should be switched on.

Mirror positions about x-axis

Switch this option on to mirror the symbol insert positions about the x-axis.

Mirror positions about y-axis

Switch this option on to mirror the symbol insert positions about the y-axis.

Apply mirror to symbols

This option is only available if one or both of the above mirror options is enabled. It will cause the symbol geometry to be mirrored as well as its position.

Place symbol pattern manually

Switch this option on if the user is to place the symbol pattern. Otherwise the symbols will be placed as defined in the pattern. Switching this option on enables all of the options on the Manual page.

Pattern Attributes - Manual

Allow scaling

If this option is switched on, an edit bar option will be enabled in the appropriate diemaking tool allowing you to enter a scale factor that will be applied to the symbol pattern.

Allow rotation

If this option is switched on, an edit bar option will be enabled in the appropriate diemaking tool allowing you to enter a rotation angle that will be applied to the symbol pattern.


Enter some text that will be displayed on the status bar when the pattern is loaded.


Lock placement cursor

The symbol pattern can be locked relative to the design extents or free. From the pull-down, select the option required: lock in X, in Y, in X then Y, Y then X or None.

Lock in X - will lock the insertion point of the pattern at the left-hand side of the design extents. The cursor can then only be moved from grip to back.

Lock in Y - will lock the insertion point of the pattern at the grip of the design extents. The cursor can then only be moved from side-lay to off-lay.

Lock in Y then X - the first snapped point when placing the pattern will lock the cursor in the Y. The next snapped point will be the X position of the insertion point.

Lock in X then Y - the first snapped point when placing the pattern will lock the cursor in the X. The next snapped point will be the Y position of the insertion point.

Constrain symbols to pattern positions

This option is enabled when placing the pattern locked in X or Y. If checked and the pattern is locked in X, the X position of the symbols is determined from the pattern and the cursor is locked in Y. If checked and the pattern is locked in Y, the Y position of the symbols is determined from the pattern and the cursor is locked in X.

Placement Limits

When a locking option has been chosen, you can specify limits, relative to the design or wood extents, between which the user is allowed to place the symbol pattern.


Press this button to set up a new placement limit range using the Symbol Pattern Placement Limits form.


Press this button to change the limits of the highlighted entry.


Press this button to remove the highlighted entry from the list.

Place symbol pattern multiple times

Here you can specify the minimum and maximum number of times it is allowed to place the symbol pattern. You can right-click to stop inserting before reaching the limit if required.

Cursor position

This allows you to define the insertion point by selecting a point on the extents of the symbol pattern or the centre point. The cursor can then be offset from this point by adding an X and Y offset.


Pattern Attributes - Snapping

Use snapping offsets

This option can be used with the lock modes in X, in Y, in X then Y and in Y then X. If checked, the pattern is locked as described above, and from the first offset value the cursor will jump in increments of the second offset value (positively and negatively) locked in the direction specified.

Using snapping grid

This option is available when the pattern is being placed with lock None selected. If checked, set the origin point relative to the centre grip edit of the Dieboard, then set the X and Y offsets. The cursor will then jump in increments of these values (positively and negatively) in X and Y.

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