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Standards Browser

This form is displayed by the New Standard tool.

Standards Browser

The left-hand panel contains a tree-view display showing all the available standards. The right-hand panel displays the standards in the currently selected tree-view node. Use the buttons at the bottom to choose how to display the standards; Large thumbnails, Small thumbnails, List or Details.

Find Standard

Enter part of the standard name you are searching for and press the Search button.

Search all data sources

In the above example there are two data sources; ImpactDB and This option is only displayed if there is more than one data source. Switch the option on if you want to search through all available data sources.

Print Standards Catalog

Press this button to open the Standard Catalog form, from where you can print thumbnails of the standards in the currently selected node.


Identify the required standard, then press this button to create it. This will open the Standard Wizard.


Press this button to close the form without creating a new standard design.

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