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Common Operations

This section describes just some of the more frequent operations you can perform from the Project Browser.

Browse projects either by project group or by customer

In the Folders Pane, the Projects folder shows your project groups and the Customers folder shows all your customer names. Double-click either to open the folder and show sub-folders. Clicking on any of these folders shows the project stored within the group or assigned to that particular customer.

You can change how the projects are displayed in the List View Pane by clicking View on the toolbar and choosing from the options shown. If you are viewing the Details, you can click a column heading (Reference, Description, Created and so on - these can be customised) to order by that column. (Click it again to reverse the order).

Search for a project

If you know the project's Reference or Code, right-click on an empty part of the List View Pane (that is, not on a project) and choose Search. From the Open Project form, enter either the Code or Reference and press Find Now. A list of matching project is displayed. Highlight the one you want and press Display to locate the project and its group in the Project Browser.

If you don't know the Reference or Code, use Find instead of Search. (It is on the toolbar as well as on the context menu). Find takes longer but it searches all visible database fields for the text you've entered, so you can, for example, search for a description or using custom database fields. See Project Browser - Find.

Another way of searching is to use a query. This allows you to define complex search criteria, such as all projects created during the last month for a specified customer. See Advanced Find for more information on this.

Open a project in your working area

In the Folders Pane, find and click on the Working Projects folder. The List View Pane shows the projects currently assigned to you. The projects may appear as rows of data or as thumbnails, depending on your view settings. Click on the project to see a preview of it (assuming you have the Preview Pane visible). Double-click on the project to open it. Unless you have the Keep Browser Open option activated (the pin icon) then the Project Browser closes automatically.

Release a project from your working area

Assuming you don't have the project open, find the project in your Working Projects folder, right-click it and choose Release. From the Project Release form, set the Action to be Update, enter a comment if you wish, choose to create a revision if you wish to permanently keep this new version of the project, and press Ok. (If you have the project open, use File - Update instead of opening the Project Browser.)

Open a project

To open a project which is not already in your Working Projects area, locate it in the Projects or Customers folders as described above. Then double click the project from the List View Pane. The Open Project form lets you open the original project, open a copy of it or (if your settings are configured to allow it) create a new project linked to the chosen project.

View database information for projects and layers

Whenever you have a project highlighted, the Information Pane shows database information for that project. The project data is either shown in a Database page or on the Information page, depending on your settings. The layer data is shown on the Layers page - highlight the layer for which you wish to view the data. Which database fields are shown, and how this data is presented, can be customised via your Database Window settings.

Rename a project

To change the Reference or Code of a project, right-click on the project from the List View Panel and choose Properties from the context menu. You can only do this if no-one is currently working on the project. If it is in a user's Working Projects area then they must release it first. You can modify Code, Reference, Description and Customer in the Project Properties form.

The changes take effect immediately on pressing Ok. An update record is created, indicating that the Reference or Code has been changed. This appears on the Project Revisions page of the Information Pane.

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