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Add Documents

This form appears when you use Add Documents tool from the Documents form, allowing you to add one or more new documents to the database. If you were viewing documents for a particular project, the new documents will be associated with that project (that is, a project-document relationship will be automatically created); a similar thing will occur when viewing customer documents (creating a customer-document relationship). 

Add Documents - Document Information

You can add any number of documents in one go, either using the Add button or by dragging and dropping files onto this form. If you add a compressed file (such as a ZIP), you will be asked whether you wish to extract the files from it.


The following operations are available from the tool bar:

Add Local File(s) - Select the files from your computer, to be added to the database.

Add Existing Document - Search for an existing document and add it to this database item (project, customer, whatever), thereby creating a new relationship. 

Remove - Remove the selected documents from the list, so that it is not added to the database. 

Organise documents by:  Type / Groups / Item Type - These buttons control what is shown within the categories panel on the left.

Details / Small / Large - Choose how the document items are to be displayed: in a grid or as small or large "cards" with thumbnails.

Select All / Select None - Select or deselect all the items.

Collapse all / Expand all - When displaying either small or large cards, use this button to collapse (shrink) or expand all of them. (Note that the cards may also be collapsed/expanded individually.)

Document Properties

On the right-hand side of this form you can view/modify information for the selected document(s), as follows.

Document Information

Name - The name of the document in the database. By default, this is the name of the file that you chose.

TIP: Document names need not be unique. Internally, documents are given an ID to uniquely identify them. Normally the IDs are hidden, but users having the appropriate privileges can see them.

Description - Any free-form description (which you can later use for searching).

Type - Choose one of the pre-configured document types (as defined by your administrator, in the Document Provider Settings).

Group - Choose one of the pre-configured document groups appropriate for the file extension (as defined by your administrator, in the Document Configuration form).

Major Version / Minor Version - Choose whether the document will be given a major version (such as 1.0) or minor version (0.1).

Tags - Enter any number of tags. As you type, any matching names are displayed; if no tags match what you have typed then you can press + to add a new one. Alls tags associated with the document appear here as links and you may click the link to remove the tag from the document.

Database Window

If your database has custom database fields associated with documents, and if a database windows has been defined for them, an additional page is displayed, allowing you to enter the database values. The title and appearance of this page are fully customizable.

Add Documents - Relationships


A document can be associated with one or more database items (for example a project or a customer), or it might not be associated with anything. These associations are called relationships and you can Add or Change them using the Add Document Relationship form. The relationships in the first table are associated with all of the documents whereas the relationships in the second table are only associated with the currently selected document. You should select the relevant table before choosing the Add, Change or Delete buttons.

The Relationship pulldown option allows you to override the type of relationship for each document by specifying either This specific document version or The latest document version.

In your Document Management settings (within Database Operation settings), there are some options which determine how relationships work, namely Allow documents to be added without a relationship and Allow multiple relationships.

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