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Database Field

Use this form to add or modify database fields. It is accessed from places such as the Browser Options form, the Database Queries - Display Fields form or the Project Browser Advanced Find - Display Fields form.

Database - New or Edit Field

When configuring a database field to be displayed in the Project Browser, you should specify:

Database Field


Enter a descriptive name.


Choose the table and field.

You can add advanced query display columns and/or table relationship columns directly to the field list in the browser. This works when configuring Projects and Working Projects fields in the Browser, Locate Projects fields in the Open Projects form, and Layers fields in the Project Properties form.

You can add a lookup column from the CUSTOMER or DRAWINGS table (such as DRAWINGS.D_PSTATUS) and if an advanced query display column is configured this will be shown instead of the foreign key value.

When adding a new field the Field combo includes all defined table relationships as appropriate, so you can also add any column from the parent table of a table relationship.

For Projects, Working Projects and Locate Projects fields you can use any lookup for CUSTOMERS or DRAWINGS. For Layers you can add any lookup for LAYERS.

So for example you can use:-

Table Relationship:Display Column To Show
 CUSTOMER.CS_PRIADDR -> ADDRESS.A_KEY:A_STREET1 A customers primary address street name
 CUSTOMER.CS_PRIADDR -> ADDRESS.A_KEY:A_CITY A customers primary address city


You can add multiple columns from the same lookup table (CS_PRIADDR in the above example) if required.

Data Format

Depending on the field type chosen, you may be able to configure the display format:-

Display Options

Header Align

From the drop-down list choose either Left, Right or Centre.

Data Align

From the drop-down list choose either Left, Right or Centre.

Custom Drawing

Switch this option on if you want to customise the text for this field.


This is the colour used for this field's background.  Click on the displayed colour to open the standard colour selection form, from where you can either choose a pre-defined colour or define your own.


From the drop-down list choose the required text font.


This is the colour used to display the text in this field.  Click on the displayed colour to open the standard colour selection form, from where you can either choose a pre-defined colour or define your own.


Switch this option on if required.


Switch this option on if required.

Related topics: Database Administration

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