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Date Format

This form is called from several places, including the Database Field form, the Value Mapping Database form, the Value Mapping System Function form, the Value Mapping Variable form and the Text Editor form.

Date Format



From the pulldown list choose Day/Month/Year, Month/Day/Year, Year/Day/Month or Year/Month/Day.

Week day

From the pulldown list choose None, Abbreviated or Full.


From the pulldown list choose None or Numeric.


From the pulldown list choose None, Numeric, Abbreviated or Full.


From the pulldown list choose None, Short or Long.


From the pulldown list choose None, Slash, Dot or Dash.

Zero fill

If this option is switched on then any numeric values will have a zero added at the start where necessary. For instance, on the first day of the month the '1' will be displayed as '01'.

Upper case

If this option is switched on then all letters will be displayed in upper case.


The current date will be displayed in this field using the currently selected format.

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