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Database Window Field Attributes - Angle



Enter a caption to describe this field. This will appear on the database window form.


Enter a hint that will be displayed when the cursor hovers over the entry field on the database window form.

Database Field


From the drop-down list choose the required database field. This list will only contain those fields that are valid for the field type chosen above.

If the field has the Hidden or Protected property (as described here) it will be read-only in the database window, regardless of the Value cannot be modified setting, below. However, there are some exceptions to this rule:

  • D_NAME, D_CODENUM, D_SITE, S_NAME and S_CODENUM aren't read-only if the drawing hasn't yet been saved
  • D_DESCRIPT and L_DESCRP are never read-only
  • Symbol flags such as S_CANOPTMS, S_CANSCALE and S_CANEXPL are never read-only
  • Template flag D_PARAMET is never read-only

Field in layer table

This option is only visible if the particular database has the Table type PDB Layer Extra in the Database Table Structure. If this is the case the field drop-down list will contain appropriate field names from the LAYERS database table as well. Selecting one of those fields will cause this option to be automatically checked.

This option is required so that Impact can correctly store the data for fields in the LAYERS table. Also, so it can distinguish between a field with the same name being added to both the LAYERS and ONE_UP table, for example. When this option is checked the data is stored internally with the name LAYERS.L_FIELD rather than just L_FIELD as it would for ONE_UP columns.

Value cannot be modified (Read-only)

Switch this option on to make this field read-only.

Value is not required until drawing Save

Any non-nullable fields (see Can be empty in database entry windows on the Table Field form) can have this option set. This will allow you to close the database entry window even when nothing has been entered. However, you will not be allowed to save the project until something has been entered for this field.

Use this field when performing a Find

Switch this option on to allow this field to be used when searching the database from the Find Window form. See also the options on the External Tables form.

Database Window Field Attributes - Default Value

Default Value

  • Null - select this radio button if no default value is required
  • Copy from existing - select this radio button and enter the required database Table and Field from which the default value should be taken
  • Specific Value - select this radio button and enter a default value if required

Use this default even when copying an existing record

Switch this option on if your chosen default value should override the field value from the existing record.

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