Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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Text Settings

The Text Settings form is used to configure the way that text entities are drawn. It is opened when you press the Style button on the Text Editor form, the Custom button on the Dimension Settings form and when you add or change text settings on the Design Options form - Text Styles page.

Text Settings - TrueType fonts


Enter a unique name for these settings.


Enter an optional description for these settings.


From the pulldown list, which contains all of the installed fonts, choose the required one.

This list will most likely contain some Truetype fonts and some Impact Line fonts.

Truetype fonts

The following options are specific to Truetype fonts:


From the pulldown list choose Regular, Italic, Bold or Bold Italic


Switch this option on to simply draw the outline of the characters.

Single Stroke

Switch this option on to use a single stroke font. Sometimes referred to as "line fonts" or "stick fonts", these fonts are designed for manufacturing (for example to be lasered or milled). There are several providers of single stroke fonts, for example produces an "OLF Simple Sans" family of fonts. 

If the Single Stroke option is used with any normal True Type font, the text entity will be displayed incorrectly. 


Switch this option on to underline the text characters.


Switch this option on to display the text with strike through.

Auto-format Fractions

Switch this option on to display fractions using super-script and sub-script display, such as 1/2.


Enter the required character height.


This value is used to alter the spacing between adjacent lines in multi-line text.


Enter the required angle for the line of text.

Impact line fonts

The form for line fonts is slightly different to the one for true type fonts, as outlined below:

Text Settings - Line fonts

The following options are specific to Impact Line fonts:


From the pulldown choose Proportional or Fixed. With Proportional, characters that are narrower will take up less room, whereas with Fixed they will be padded out with white space.

Avg. Width

Enter the average character width.


Enter the required character height.


This value is used to alter the spacing between adjacent lines in multi-line text.


This value is used to alter the spacing between adjacent characters.


Enter the required angle for the line of text.


Enter the required angle for characters within the text.

Common - True type and line fonts

The following options are valid for both Truetype and Line fonts.


From the pulldown list choose Left, Centre, Right or Full. Full justification means that the spacing between words in the text will be altered to enable the block of text to be justified both left and right.


From the pulldown choose Inside, Outside or Always readable. (These names could vary depending on the terminology in use, as defined in Environment Options - Database Operation - Terminology).

Mirror about X

Switch this option on to mirror the text about the x-axis.

Mirror about Y

Switch this option on to mirror the text about the y-axis.

Vertical Text

Switch this option on to have the text displayed in a single vertical column.

Text Settings - Vertical Text orientation option

Text Editor Form

When this form is opened from the Text Editor form there will be an extra option at the bottom of the form, below the text preview panel.

Create new style sheet

Switch this option on and enter a Name and Description. A new Text style will be added to the current project using the settings that you have entered on the form.

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