Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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3D Palette Options

These settings determine how palettes will behave when a 2D drawing is converted to a 3D folding model.

3D Palette Options

Select the actual palettes you wish to behave as the various types by selecting the required palette type boxes on the relevant tabs. For example, to enable all Crease-type palettes for creasing, simply select the Crease tab and tick the Crease box. You can select additional palettes by clicking on the individual palettes on the relevant page.

For example you might wish to fold along a Perforation palette. This is achieved by selecting the required Perforation palette on the Crease page.

To use the setting, simply pick the required one from the Palettes listbox on the edit bar when you run the 3D Viewer tool. Alternatively you can choose it from the Geometry page of the 3D Wizard.

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