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Automatic Rubber Setup - General


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter an optional description for these settings.

To layer

The geometry created by the tool can be transferred to another layer by checking this option.

Layer Name

From the pulldown list select the layer, or type a standard layer name into this field.

Use Visibility Settings

This option will override the current visibility of the drawing and load the settings chosen from the pulldown list.

Rubber cut-crease

This option determines if rubber geometry is to be added to cut entities within colinear cut-crease paths. Select from the following options how cut/crease entities are to be rubbered.

  • Treat as crease - cut/crease entities will be masked as crease type entities.
  • Treat as cut - rubber profiles will be created for cut/crease entities.
  • Explode to cuts and creases - cut/crease type entities will be profiled as the manufacturing details of the palette.

Sharp corners on paths

This option controls how the gap between consecutive entities is filled. If the option is switched on, then the entities are simply extended (as if by the Trim - Corner tool); otherwise the entities are joined by an arc centred at the original intersection (as if by the Trim - Fillet tool).

Minimum rubber area

Blocks with an area less than the specified amount will be not be created.

Strip knives

Choose from the following options:

  • Profile external strip knives- external strip knives will profiled as cut type entities.
    • Rubber around ends - this option causes the perimeter rubber to go round the stripping knife.
  • Cutback at strip knives - the perimeter rubber blocks will be split at the point where a strip knife intersects the path.

Rubber Block Entity Directions

Clockwise around rubber block

This option determines the order of entities within a block. For example, rubber blocks to be cut on a sample maker with an angled knife need to be anticlockwise on output.

Symbol mask

Switch this option on to prevent rubber blocks encroaching on specific symbols, such as matrix location holes.

Symbol mask allowance

Enter the offset around the symbol where rubber must not encroach.


Press this button to open the Symbol List form, where you can specify which symbols should be masked.

Perimeter symbol mask

This option works in the same way as the Symbol mask option, except that it only affects the perimeter rubber.

Symbol mask allowance

Enter the offset as above.


Specify the symbols to mask via the Symbol List form.

Compress blocks automatically

After the auto rubber, rubber one-ups or rubber perimeter and waste tools are run, the compress blocks tool will automatically be applied to the rubber blocks specified on the compress page.

Save straightening information

This option allows any straightened blocks to be nested outside of the automatic rubber tool by the nester. If this option is not enabled, any straightened blocks will be nested as their original shape.

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