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Waste Areas

Automatic Rubber Setup - Waste Areas


From the pulldown list choose the palette for the internal waste rubber.

Rubber thickness

Enter the required width of the rubber.

Rubber to knife distance

Enter the distance to offset from the original geometry.

Rubber Split

  • Automatic
  • Manual

If you choose Manual then you'll need to run the manual splitting tool. Otherwise the splitting will be done using the following parameters.

Split width

This is the distance between adjacent blocks at the split line.



The mode is used to define the placement of the splits. Choose from:-

  • Corner - places the splits where two corners meet
  • Perpendicular - places the splits perpendicular to the edge of the rubber


Offset is only available when in Perpendicular mode. It allows the splits to be shifted away from the end of the entity by the amount specified. If the entity is too short then no offset is applied.


This method looks at each entity in the rubber block and considers it for splitting if it is longer than the Minimum length.

Minimum length

Entities will only be split if they are longer than this value.

Maximum sections

If greater than zero then each entity will be split into sections that are no longer than this value.


This method starts at the beginning of the rubber block and continues along connected entities until it reaches the end.


Choose from:-

  • Ends - when the distance along the path is greater than the Spacing value a split will be placed at the end of the current entity; this will repeat until the end of the path has been reached
  • Running - similar to Ends except that the split is placed along the length of the entity rather then at the end; this position may be shifted slightly to reduce the chance of a badly placed split
  • Distributed - similar to Running except that this mode will calculate the full length of the path and divide it into evenly spaced pieces that are no longer than the value specified in the Spacing field


This value is used to define the approximate length of the split pieces when using the Path method.

Individual and Path method together

If both Individual and Path are selected we do a combination of the two methods. As we go though the sections in the rubber block we check to see if each one is greater than the Minimum length as defined in the Individual method. If it is, then we stop the Path method and process that individual section. After that section is processed we start a new Path and repeat the process until the end of the block.

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