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Enquiry Length Settings

This form is used to configure Master Tool Settings that are used in the Enquire - Lengths tool.

Enquire Length Settings


Enter the unique MTS name.


Enter the description for this setting.

Enquire on

Choose which part of the drawing on which you wish to calculate the extents.

  • Current layer
  • Current block
  • Current drawing
  • Selected entities
  • Specified palettes - Selecting this option enables three more tabs as described below

Visible entities only

Switch this option on if you only want to use visible entities in the calculation.

Explode text

Switch this option on if you want to explode text entities before performing the calculation.

Explode dimension entities

Switch this option on if you want to explode dimension entities before performing the calculation.

Specified palettes

Enquire Length Settings - Palettes

Choose the required palettes from the left-hand column and move them across to the right-hand column. These palettes will then be used in the enquiry.

Enquire Length Settings - Palette Types

Use the check-boxes to select the required palette types and rule types. The associated palettes will then be used in the enquiry.

Enquire Length Settings - Palette Groups

Choose the required palette groups from the left-hand column and move them across to the right-hand column. The palettes within these groups will then be used in the enquiry.

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