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Female Stripper Component

Female Stripper Component


Enter a unique name for the Female Stripper Component.


Enter a description for the Component.


Select the symbol that will be placed in the female stripper layer.

Dieboard symbol

Select the symbol that will be placed in the dieboard layer.

Origin Offset

Enter a value to shift the origin point to the edge of the component. This indicates zero depth for this component when placed in the stripper tool


Marker Offset

The marker location is shown on the preview as a black circle. Enter a value to offset this marker from the symbol origin. The marker is used when editing to grab the component and drag it to a new position.

Allow Depth Adjustment

Switch this option on to enable the depth value on the edit window and on the edit bar when running the stripper tool.

Allow Angle Adjustment

Switch this option on to enable the angle value on the edit window and on the edit bar when running the stripper tool.


Choose the method that will be used to define the component profile. This is the shape of the wood that will be cut out, into which the component will be placed. It is shown on the preview in green.

  • None - if the profile of the perimeter needs to be adjusted then this option can be chosen
  • Within symbol - from the drop down list pick the required palette for the profile; if the palette is not found within the symbol or the geometry defined by the palette is not a closed shape then this is the same as choosing None
  • Explicit profile - choose a symbol whose geometry will define the profile - if the geometry is not valid then this is the same as choosing None

Clash Detection

Choose the method that will be used for clash detection. This is to prevent a component from being added where it might overlap an existing one. The shape is shown on the preview in red.

  • Use Profile - enter a spacing value that defines an offset from the profile
  • Explicit mask - choose a symbol whose geometry will define the shape

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