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Geometry Analysis

The Geometry Analysis Toolbox requires geometry analysis settings to be configured for the default parameters.

Name - unique name for the setting.

Description - short description for the setting.

Geometry Checks

This page allows you to define which checks can be applied for this named setting.

Geometry Analysis Settings - Geometry Checks

Bad arc radius - detects small arcs which may be difficult to manufacture.

Bad intersection - detects entities which are close to another entity within a set distance.

Coincident entities - detects entities which are on top of each other or separated by a set distance.

Cross-Overs - detects when an entity extends past its intersection point with another entity by a minimum distance.

Ends in space - detects entities where one end is not within a minimum distance from another entity.

Exploded entities - detects sequences of lines and arcs that could be replaced by a single line or arc.

Near ends - checks for small gaps between the end points of 2 or more entities.

Nearly horizontal or vertical - detects lines which are within a maximum angle from horizontal or vertical.

Nearly tangential entities - detects arcs or Beziers which are almost tangential to their adjoining entities.

Short entities - detects entities which are smaller than the specified length and optionally deletes stray entities.

Simplify - detects arcs or Beziers that could be replaced by lines or arcs.

Unbridgedpaths - detects paths or closed loops that don't contain any bridges.


Geometry Analysis Settings - Entities

Selected Entities - if Use selected entities only is enabled the check is limited to only these entities. Area to Analyse - allows you to limit the area to the current visible extents by enabling Use current window extents otherwise the active layer or block will be used.

Blocks and Layer Inserts - allows you to extend the check to entities within sub-blocks of the active block.


This page allows you to specify which palettes are to be included in the checks.

Geometry Analysis Settings - Palettes

Use entities with the following palettes only - if this option is enabled only the palette types and palettes selected will be included in the checks; if this option isn't enabled all palettes will be included.


This page allows you to override the default tolerances Impact uses.

Geometry Analysis Settings - Tolerances

Positional Tolerance - allows you to change the distance at which two points are considered to be coincident or joined.

Impact's default tolerance is 0.005mm.

Angular Tolerance - allows you to change the angle deviation between two lines to allow them to be considered parallel.

Impact's default tolerance is 0.13deg.

Geometry Check Tools

Geometry Analysis - General Tool Settings

Checking Against Other Entities - entities being analysed can be checked against only the entities within the specified search criteria or by enabling Check against entities outside the current search criteria all other visible entities in the current block and sub-blocks.

Rebridging - modified entities can be rebridged to their palette attributes by enabling Rebridge changed entities or Retain bridges will keep the original bridges.

Bad arc radius

Geometry Analysis Settings - Bad Arc Radius

Allowed Values - allows you to define the radii with the Radius Range that are considered ok for manufacture and will be excluded from the checks. Add will open the Fix Bad Arc Radius Form.

Maximum Difference - is the tolerance from the radius that will be considered ok for manufacture.

Radius Range - allows you to set the range of radius to be analysed between a Minimum and Maximum value.

Bad intersection

Geometry Analysis Settings - Bad Intersection

Maximum Separation - the end point of an entity can be projected to intersect with another entity.

Detect closest intersection - if this option is enabled then the end of an entity that is within the maximum separation to move (changing its original angle) to intersect with another entity.

Coincident entities

Geometry Analysis Settings - Coincident Entities

Maximum Separation - the maximum separation between parallel entities that are considered parallel and allow fixing.

Detect entities with the same palette only - if enabled only coincident entities of the same palette will be found.

Allow Fix - determines if the auto fix option is available to the user. This option will only then be available for coincident entities of the same palette.

Merge overlapping entities - will replace the entities with a single entity to the full length of the overlapping entities.

Remove overlapping sections - will replace the overlapping sections with a new entity.


Geometry Analysis Settings - Cross-overs

Minimum length - the minimum length the end of entity that extends beyond the intersection with another entity.

Allow Fix - determines if the auto fix option is available to the user.

Ends in space

Geometry Analysis Settings - Ends in Space

Minimum Separation - entity ends which are not within the minimum separation of other entities will be considered as an end in space.

Exploded entities

Geometry Analysis Settings - Exploded Entities

Maximum Distortion - maximum distance the whole of the entity must be within to be considered as part of an exploded path.

There is a sub option to Detect entities of the same type, e.g. lines for an exploded line or arcs for exploded arcs. If this is not enabled it is possible that lines could be converted to an arc or arcs to lines.

Near ends

Geometry Analysis Settings - Near Ends

Maximum Separation - ends that are closer than the value specified will be detected as near ends.

Allow Fix - determines if the auto fix option is available to the user.

  • Calculate common centre point to join all entities - all entities will be moved to this calculated point.
  • Join current entity to nearest other entity - will move the end of the source entity to the end of the closest entity's end point.
  • Join entities within tolerance to the current entity - will move any entities' end points within the maximum separation to the end of the source entity.
  • Only affect the nearest entity - will modify the end points of the source entity and its closest entity's end point with the separation.

Nearly horizontal or vertical

Geometry Analysis Settings - Nearly Horizontal/Vertical

Maximum Deviation - maximum deviation from the horizontal or vertical axis for entities to be analysed.

Minimum Length - entities whose length is greater than the minimum will be analysed.

Allow Fix - determines if the auto fix option is available to the user; the available fix type must then be selected below:

  • Rotate about entity centre.
  • Rotate about entity start point.
  • Rotate about entity end point.

Nearly tangential entities

Geometry Analysis Settings - Nearly Tangential

Maximum Deviation - the maximum angle from a tangential join where the entity will be detected as nearly tangential.

Short entities

Geometry Analysis Settings - Short Entities

Maximum Length - entities whose length is equal to or less will be considered short entities.

Allow Fix - determines if the auto fix option is available to the user. The auto fix will delete isolated entities that are at least the Minimum Separation from other entities.


Geometry Analysis Settings - Simplify

Maximum Distortion - maximum distance an arc or Bezier can be modified to create a single line or arc.

Unbridged paths 

Geometry Analysis Settings - Unbridged Paths

Maximum path length - sequences of entities or a closed loop whose length is greater than the specified value will be detected as an unbridged path.

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