Impact 2024 now released, bringing with it a host of new features. Details here.

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This section refers to settings that are specific to importing native Impact files.

Impact Import


Apply palette mapping

When importing Impact files it is not necessary to use palette mapping, as it is with all other file formats, because the entities will already have palettes assigned to them. However, checking this option will cause palette mapping to be carried out for Impact files. For more details see Palette Mapping.

Apply symbol mapping

Switch this option on to enable symbol mapping. This allows you to map one symbol to another, convert a symbol to a block or discard a symbol completely. For more details see Symbol Mapping.


Prompt for layers to import

If the imported drawing has more than one layer then selecting this option will allow you to select which layer(s) to import.


Explode special text

Switch this option on to convert imported database text and system text into normal text.


There are a number of potential discrepancies that could occur when importing Impact files, which you may want to be warned about. This only applies if you have chosen to apply palette mapping.

Warn if palette types are different

Switch this option on to issue a warning if the palette type of any of the original palettes differs from the mapped palette’s type.

Warn if rule types are different

Switch this option on to issue a warning if the rule type of any of the original palettes differs from the mapped palette’s rule type.

Warn if holding bridges are different

Switch this option on to issue a warning if the holding bridge setting of any of the original palettes differs from the mapped palette’s holding bridge setting.

Warn if side-bevels are different

Switch this option on to issue a warning if the sidebevel setting of any of the original palettes differs from the mapped palette’s sidebevel setting.


Explode layer inserts to blocks

Switch this option on to convert all imported layer inserts to block inserts, and the corresponding layers to blocks. All other layers, that do not appear as layer inserts, will remain as layers.

Explode symbol inserts to blocks

Switch this option on to convert all imported symbols into blocks.

Explode block inserts to entities

Switch this option on to convert all imported blocks to entities.


Make all entities visible

Switch this option on to make all palettes visible, all blocks in the current layer visible, the current layer visible (other layers will remain as they are), all palette types visible and all entity types visible.

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